Phase 1: Initiate, analyze, plan

In this phase, the team takes stock of the course objectives, and considers other similar courses. Learning designers communicate by email with other members of the team to keep the process on track.

Key elements of the initiate and analyze phase

In this phase, the team takes stock of what the course objectives are, and considers what other similar courses exist.


  • collect information on student feedback and department requirements

Literature review

  • research similar courses and resources
  • conduct student and content analysis

Estimated time

The estimated time for this phase is two to four weeks.

Key elements of the planning phase


  • create draft learning outcomes
  • determine course structure including number of modules, units, sections and assignments
  • identify technology options
  • identify readings and resources, including open educational resources
  • assign people to complete tasks

Estimated time

The estimated time for this phase is two to four weeks.