Phase 2: Design, develop, review

In this phase, the team makes sure the course meets its teaching and learning objectives, and that the course site is set up to support those goals.

Learning designers work with the instructor to make sure the course is ready to go live.

Throughout this phase, learning designers communicate by email with other members of the team to keep the process on track.

Key elements of the design phase


  • finalize learning outcomes
  • create assessment matrix
  • create activities and assignments
  • ensure alignment of goals, learning outcomes, learning activities and assessment
  • ensure the course has components of the Royal Roads LTRM
  • identify optional and required readings and resources
  • perform copyright review of all resources


  • completed curriculum committee proposal
  • completed course blueprint checklist

Estimated time

The estimated time for this phase is four to eight weeks.

Key elements of the development phase


  • create assignments and grading rubrics offline
  • create a prototype unit/section/week in the course website
  • add assignments and rubrics to the course website
  • create learning activities and assessments in the course website


  • unit prototype
  • completed course materials

Estimated time

The estimated time for this phase is eight to 12 weeks.

Key elements of the planning phase


  • instructor review
  • technical review
  • final review


  • course ready for delivery

Estimated time

The estimated time for this phase is four to six weeks.