We conduct a final review of Service Level 2 and Service Level 3 courses to give the course a last "once-over" from the student perspective, and with the student experience in mind.
CTET does not provide copy editing. Instructors are responsible for the quality of their course content. Course materials should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.
Here is what we review courses for.
Overall presentation and best practices
- Consistent use of language. We recommend the instructor refer to themself in first person and students in second person.
- Formatting, e.g. numbers, bullets, bold, italics, headings, is used appropriately and to maximize readability, with particular consideration to those using screen readers.
- Course links to, rather than reproduces, external information e.g. university-wide policy information around grades, fees, etc.
- The same learning outcomes appear throughout the course, in the course learning outcomes page, schedule, and assessment matrix.
Date and naming consistency
- Use and style of due dates is consistent throughout the course, in terms of both format and location.
- All dates in the schedule correspond with dates in forums, assignment dropboxes or other tools.
- Titles of assignments, activities, units, weeks and so on are consistent throughout the course.