From 2018 - 2020 Royal Roads Centre for Teaching and Educational Technologies invited members of our community to celebrate excellence in teaching and learning by nominating a faculty or staff member. People listed below have been recognized by students and grads for their guidance, dedication and positive impact on the learning community.
Congratulations to the following Royal Roads instructors and staff members!
January 2020
- Alexia McKinnon, School of Leadership Studies
- David Oswald, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Hany Fahmy, School of Business
- Sandy Walker, School of Business
- Sean Irwin, School of Business
October 2019
- Jonathan Clapperton, College of Interdisciplinary Studies
- Rey Chang, School of Business
- Teara Fraser, School of Leadership Studies
July 2019
- Geo Takach, School of Communication and Culture
June 2019
- Guy Nasmyth, School of Leadership Studies, School of Professional and Continuing Studies
- Tamara Leary, School of Education and Technology
April 2019
- Susan Thackeray, School of Business
March 2019
- Wanda Krause, School of Leadership Studies
February 2019
- Beth Page, School of Communication and Culture
- Liza Ireland, School of Environment and Sustainability
January 2019
- Ashley Shaw, School of Education and Technology
- Liza Ireland, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Terry Power, School of Business
- Wanda Krause, School of Leadership Studies
December 2018
- Alejandra Huertaguerra, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Alison Moran, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Barb Russo, School of Humanitarian Studies
- Bruce McLeod, Professional and Continuing Studies
- Catherine Etmanski, School of Leadership Studies
- Danielle McCann, Student Services
- David Reagan, School of Leadership Studies
- Edward Beggs, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Elin Kelsey, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Hilary Leighton, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Jaigris Hodson, College of Interdisciplinary Studies
- Jean Slick, School of Humanitarian Studies
- Jo Volek, School of Leadership Studies
- Liza Ireland, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Martha Sales, Professional and Continuing Studies
- Milt McClaren, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Olaolu Adeleye, School of Communication and Culture
- Peter Norman, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Rick Kool, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Sean Irwin, School of Business
- Tony Williams, School of Leadership Studies
November 2018
- Alejandra Huertaguerra, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Alvaro Moreno, School of Leadership Studies
- Barb Russo, School of Humanitarian Studies
- Beth Page, Professional and Continuing Studies
- Brian White, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Cheryl Heykoop, School of Leadership Studies
- David Oswald, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Glenn Brown, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Hilary Leighton, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Johny Van Aerde, School of Leadership Studies
- Kathy Bishop, School of Leadership Studies
- Lauryn Oates, School of Humanitarian Studies
- Liza Ireland, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Mark Fulton, School of Leadership Studies
- Maureen Clarke, School of Leadership Studies
- Olaolu Adeleye, School of Communication and Culture
- Phil Cady, School of Leadership Studies
- Raaj Chandran, School of Communication and Culture
- Rebeccah Nelms, School of Leadership Studies
- Reynaldo Chang, School of Business and School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Robert Musgrave, School of Business
- Rose Nadon, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Sean Irwin, School of Business
- Sharon Zubrinich, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Stefanie Ivan, School of Education and Technology
- Susan Tinker, School of Communication and Culture
- Suzanne Flannigan, School of Education and Technology
- Tamara Leary, School of Education and Technology
- Terry Power, School of Business
- Tyler Nagel, School of Communication and Culture
- Val Cortes, School of Communication and Culture
- Virginia McKendry, School of Communication and Culture
Staff members
April 2019
- Helena Prins, Student Services
March 2019
- Lisa Corak, School of Leadership Studies
February 2019
- Lila Linell, School of Leadership Studies
- Tania Swan, School of Communication and Culture
January 2019
- Emilie Lane, Professional and Continuing Studies
- Lisa Corak, School of Leadership Studies
December 2018
- Alison Barr, Student Services
- Angela Howlett, School of Environment and Sustainability
- Annette Siewertsen, Professional and Continuing Studies
- Carole Sandhu, College of Interdisciplinary Studies
- Gwen Campden, Student Services
- Jennie Mitchell, School of Business
- Timothy Kituri, School of Business
- Viral Mangukia, Student Services
- Yvonne Westcott, School of Business
November 2018
- Carole Sandhu, College of Interdisciplinary Studies
- Glendora Scarfone, School of Communication and Culture
- Lila Linell, School of Leadership Studies
- Lindsay Pettitt, School of Communication and Culture
- Nooreen Shahpreusser, Student Services
- Russel Aquino, Admissions Office
- Timothy Kituri, School of Business
- Will Meredith, Library