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Our Chat with New DiSocSci Graduate and MA Global Leadership Alumni, Dr. Gary Hayes
By Gary Hayes
Global Leadership alumni and new DiSocSci graduate speaks to his academic journey.

Cultivating a Possibility Mindset
Jen Archer
MA Leadership graduate Jen Archer, sought to shift what she called a scarcity mindset instead to a mindset of possibility.

Global Leadership Congratulates Graduates and Eve's Global Leadership Award Winners
Wanda Krause

Student Research Feature: A Paradigm Shift to Utilizing Uncomfortable Conversations
Rishi Sanjeev Sharma
Read how MA in Leadership student Rishi Sanjeev Sharma wrote a first-person action-oriented thesis, using boundary critique theory with an appreciative lens to challenge aspects of his visible minority status in his system and learn how he can better participate in uncomfortable conversations.

Deep Gratitude to Hali Brook de Chocamani and The Fundación Tekove Restauración Familiar Bolivia
Guy Nasmyth, Erin Dixon, and Wanda Krause
Global Leadership students partner with Tekove Foundation for their Leadership Challenge: “Assessing Risk Factors and Supporting Vulnerable Children in Bolivia”

Student Research: Exploring Health Care Aides’ Perspectives on Work Life in Long-Term Care.
School of Leadership Studies
The School of Leadership Studies would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Heather Tomlinson on the completion of a Master’s Thesis titled, Exploring Health Care Aides’ Perspectives on Work Life in Long-Term Care. We asked Heather a few questions about this research, and this is what she said.

FRUITFUL CONNECTIONS: The Potential of the Copley Community Orchard, An Urban Commons
Lisa Blachut
My thesis research explored the role of urban community spaces, focusing on the Copley Community Orchard in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Cultivating Biodiversity as Climate Action Leadership: What We Can Learn from Potatoes
Emily Townsend, Solara Goldwynn, and Catherine Etmanski
Master of Arts in Environment and Management student, Emily Townsend, shares what she has learned about potatoes from her recent Master’s research in Ecuador.

Students Return from MA in Global Leadership Field Trip to Ecuador
Wanda Krause
Highlights from the MA in Global Leadership International Cultural Leadership Field Trip to Ecuador September 15 - 30, 2023.