FRUITFUL CONNECTIONS: The Potential of the Copley Community Orchard, An Urban Commons
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This past November, I successfully defended my thesis, earning the degree of Master of Arts in Environmental Education and Communication. Every step of the way had its own unique interests and challenges, but I have thoroughly enjoyed the journey from start to finish, and I am delighted to be able to share a bit about it here.
My thesis research explored the role of urban community spaces, focusing on the Copley Community Orchard in Vancouver, British Columbia. Using a narrative inquiry methodology, my study used community mapping, photovoice and “clean language” based, semi-structured interviews to gather qualitative data about participants’ experiences in this place. My research was informed by literature relating to the themes of urbanisation, disconnection from nature, the concepts of time and place, the contested role of community gardens and orchards, and the emerging scholarship on decolonisation in Canada. The participants in my study articulated the ways that the orchard was an important place of personal introspection, interspecies reciprocity, and social connection and learning. We also explored the future potential of the orchard in relation to reconciliation, climate resiliency, food security, civic engagement, and reclaiming the commons. Click on this link to see a short video with excerpts from my interviews. My study also highlighted the possibilities to create urban green spaces that are inclusive and accessible for all, regardless of culture, ethnicity, physical ability, or socioeconomic status. At the end of my paper, I discussed implications for directions towards future urban planning, with a focus on the concept of the commons.
As a way to share the highlights of my research with the Orchard community, and the public at large, I created a StoryMap, using ArcGIS software, which summarises the key findings and discussion from my project. Click on this link to view the StoryMap.
Please connect with me if you have questions or comments about my work or my experience in the program. I would love to hear from you!