Transforming lives: A gift of legacy
A legacy gift can be a way to be remembered and a way to honour your connection to Royal Roads. Your gift can endow a student award or bursary, contribute to important research, or ensure continued stewardship of our heritage, gardens and grounds. However you choose to direct your gift, your investment in the future will help change lives and safeguard this one-of-a-kind place.
There are various avenues for contributing to a Legacy gift. After securing provisions for loved ones, you may explore:
- Bequests: Designate gifts through your Will or living trusts to support specific programs, faculties, or areas of need.
- Gifts of securities: Directly donate securities to Royal Roads, enabling your estate to bypass capital gains tax.
- RRSP/RRIF contributions: Nominate Royal Roads as a beneficiary of your Registered Retirement Savings Plan or Registered Retirement Income Fund.
- Life insurance policy: Allocate ownership and/or beneficiary rights of a new or existing policy to Royal Roads.
Thank you for thinking of us as you plan your legacy. Your generosity, in whatever form, deeply enriches Royal Roads University and is profoundly appreciated.
Use our Will Planning Guide to assist you in considering and collecting information which you and your lawyer may need in preparing your Will.
A legacy with options
Taking care of your family and friends comes first.
Then, you may honour causes that have touched your life. Like your special connection with Royal Roads University.
You can designate your donation to an area of the university that is meaningful to you: a Royal Roads faculty, school or program, for example, or a general area of need, such as student aid or heritage and garden projects.
Your investment in the future will help change lives and and help Royal Roads University — a truly one-of-a-kind place — thrive. Through your legacy gift, you are creating positive change in the world. Thank you.
How to leave your gift
You have options for planned giving to the university. Your goals and priorities can help you choose what works best for you and fits your plans. Use the Legacy Giving pledge form to gather all of the necessary information in one place.
We can provide information to help you make an informed, intentional decision.