Open textbooks

Sharing knowledge helps people improve their lives and the lives of others.

Open textbooks are free for everyone to read, use and benefit from.

These works reside in the public domain, either because the copyright holder has an open license, or the copyright has expired.

Using open textbooks

The open textbook movement aims to provide learners with flexible and affordable access to higher education resources.

Open textbooks can be printed, modified, reused and shared. Some will have an open license, like Creative Commons, which users should adhere to.

Royal Roads faculty can work with their CTET liaison to incorporate open textbooks in courses.

BC Open Textbook Collection

The BC Open Textbook Collection makes digital textbooks available free of charge for faculty and students. The service is offered through BCcampus.

Most of the textbooks have been peer-reviewed, while some are adaptations in development. All are openly licensed and available for use right now.

Digital copies are available in PDF, EPUB or MOBI formats. Printed copies are available for a low cost.

Read open textbooks

For your consideration, we've highlighted titles from the BC Open Textbook Collection by subject area. Browse the entire collection of open textbooks at BCcampus OpenEd.


Writing in College: From Competence to Excellence

Writing for Success 1st Canadian Edition

Presentation Software

Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation

The NGO Handbook


Introductory Business Statistics with Interactive Spreadsheets - 1st Canadian Edition

Introductory Statistics: Saylor

Introductory Statistics: OpenStax (formerly Collaborative Statistics)


Project Management

Mastering Strategic Management-1st Canadian Edition

Human Resource Management

Building a Competitive First Nation Investment Climate

Introducing Marketing

Principles of Marketing

Introduction to Financial Accounting - Second Edition

Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective

Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective

Information Systems for Business and Beyond


Teaching in a Digital Age

Tourism & Hospitality Management

Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC

Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Industry

Basic Kitchen and Food Service Management


Principles of Economics

Principles of Microeconomics: OpenStax

Principles of Microeconomics: Saylor

Principles of Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics: Theory through Applications


Communication Theory

Understanding Media and Culture

Media Studies 101