Internal Grants for Research


Royal Roads University Internal Research Grants are available to core faculty, deans and librarians to support projects that undertake research and mobilize knowledge.

Internal Research Grant funding is separate from, but can be used to complement activities being undertaken with these internal or other external funding sources:

  • Personal Professional Development Fund (Article 31.4 in the 2022-2025 RRU Faculty Association Collective Agreement)
  • Professional Development Pool (otherwise known as the Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool; Article 31.5 in the collective agreement)
  • other internal awards, such as the Buttedahl and Skene Fund, Cahoon Global Advancement and Diversity Fund, and the SSHRC Institutional Grants

Proposals are encouraged from a broad range of research topics, while keeping in mind Royal Roads' three research themes.

Duration and value

The value of each award will be up to $3,000 and will be for one year.

How to apply

Email applications to the address indicated on the application form by midnight on July 31 of each year. If July 31 falls on a weekend or holiday, applications will be due on the following business day. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Applications must consist of one document.

Results will be announced by the October 1 start date. No expenses may be incurred before the start date.


Applicants may hold only one IGR at a time (but may hold this award simultaneously with internal grants noted above).

Funds will not be released for a new award until applicants have submitted their final written report for a previous grant. Eligible applicants include: core faculty, deans, librarians.

Selection criteria

Recommendations for the grants by the Research Awards Committee will be based on the following criteria:

  1. the quality of the proposed research or activity, as reflected in the research design of the research or activity (e.g., clarity of objectives and goal, well-crafted research question, clear methodology, well-articulated research design in terms of methods, realistic and clear outcomes)
  2. feasibility of the project
  3. contribution of the proposed research or activity to knowledge creation or practice and to society

Follow-up and award requirements

The applicant will be notified by the committee of the results, and successful applications will be listed in Crossroads.

Successful applicants will be assigned a cost centre for their project expenses. If an ethical review is required for the project or if a conference presentation is not yet confirmed, a cost centre will be assigned upon confirmation of these activities.

Recipients of funds will be expected to submit a short written report to the Research Advisory Committee within two months of the completion date.

Post-award project changes

Any significant changes to the proposed project in terms of subject matter and budget expense categories require approval and should be due to exceptional circumstances. Submit a change request form to the Office of Research Services before undertaking any change.

Once the activities of a funded project are complete, any unused grant money will be reclaimed by the university and is not eligible to be used for new activities.

Extension requests

If award recipients are unable to complete the research within one year, they may request a one-year extension prior to the termination date of award. Justification and revised timelines and budgets must be provided. There will normally be no further extensions.

Submit your application