Access internal funding sources
As core faculty at Royal Roads University, the following internal funding sources are available for your research:
- (GAD) Allan Cahoon Global Advancement and Diversity Fund — January call; annual
- (IMH) BC Ministry of Health Institutional Grant — Not currently available
- (BSF) Buttedahl and Skene Learning and Teaching Innovation Fund — January call; as available
- (CSF) Conference/Event Seed Fund — Rolling deadline
- (IGR) Internal Grants for Research — June call; annual
- (NWF) New Ways Fund - TBD; annual
- (RPD) Research and Professional Development Pool — January call; annual
- (RSA) Research & Scholarship Activity Leave - June Call; annual
- (SIG) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Institutional Grant — January call
- (TWT) Teaching With Technology Grant — Not currently available
The Office of Research Services sends a research newsletter to faculty regularly with information on internal funding Read the latest newsletter to learn about current funding calls and opportunities.