Gender Diversity Assessment Report - Informative session

Kai Scott in a suit, smiling at the camera.

Timezone: PST

Virtual event


Royal Roads University is committed to fostering an environment where our employees, students, and the broader community experience a true sense of belonging.


In the Spring of 2023, RRU Associate Director of Human Rights and EDI, and Manager EDI in Research, commissioned a comprehensive assessment of our organizational culture, systems, spaces, and procedures using gender diversity-inclusive lenses. We are deeply grateful to TransFocus Consulting, a Vancouver-based firm with extensive experience in fostering gender diversity inclusion in organizational cultures and structures, for their invaluable work in conducting this evaluation.

This audit has been of immense value to RRU, providing us with a powerful tool to shape our future. It has given us a baseline to review the inclusiveness of our culture, systems, spaces, and procedures regarding gender diversity and to define adequate courses of action to foster change. Armed with this knowledge, we are optimistic about building a workplace, learning environment, and visitor experience that acknowledges, embraces, and supports the diverse gender identities of our community members and broader society.

Session details

TransFocus Consulting will present its assessment findings. Their presentation will delve into the following key areas:

  • Overview of the assessment (methodology and actions involved)
  • Findings of the gender diversity survey
  • Findings of the facilities (Colwood Campus), gender diversity representation in communications, human resources, and student services processes and systems audits
  • Recommendations
  • Discussion of next steps

We warmly invite you to attend this session. Your presence and insights are crucial to our ongoing commitment to inclusion in gender diversity at RRU, making this a truly inclusive and collaborative effort.

Presenter Bio

Kai Scott, MA (He/Him) – President of TransFocus Consulting

Kai is a social scientist whose nearly 20-year career has focused on solving complex social issues, including those faced by transgender people. Combining his social science research skills and his lived experiences as a transgender person, he has conducted research and delivered education on gender diversity to over 35,000 people across Canada.
