The Program and Research Council is mandated by the Royal Roads University Act, which says two thirds of its members must be external to the university. It meets four to six times a year to advise the Board of Governors on:
- instructional programs
- research priorities
- program objectives
- desirable learning outcomes
The university president and the chair of the Academic Council are always part of this group. The board appoints others, who may also be members of the board.
- chair – Dr. Philip Steenkamp, president and vice-chancellor
- vice-chair – Dr. Veronica Thompson, vice-president academic and provost
Board members
- Nelson Chan – chancellor and chair, Board of Governors
- Gwen Campden – elected by staff
- Bree Claude – elected by students
- Geoff Pearce
External members
- Paul Born
- David Porter
- Scott Stinson
Non-voting members
Council support
- Sherry Richards