
How we operate

We follow a collegial governance model, with a single elected and appointed Board of Governors. It’s different from the board-and-academic-senate combination you’d see at a traditional university. It’s called a "unicameral" or single-chamber governance system.

Here, the Board essentially carries the combined responsibilities of a traditional university board and senate. However, some responsibilities are specifically assigned to the president under the Royal Roads University Act.

The board

The board includes representatives from faculty, staff, students and the community. It meets four times a year to discuss and decide on administrative and academic policy.

The board is also in charge of creating committees, two of which are legally mandated:

  • The Program and Research Council advises the board on teaching and research priorities.
  • The Standing Committee on Appeals considers appeals about the president’s decisions. For example, students might appeal if they are suspended or expelled. Faculty members might appeal appointments.

Who's on the board?

These people are on the Royal Roads University Board of Governors.

When do they meet?

The Board of Governors meets four times a year. View upcoming and past board meetings.

The president

The president and vice-chancellor acts as the chief executive officer. Along with the Board of Governors, they provide oversight and direction for the operation of the university.

The president administers the university’s operations and academic matters. For help with academic decisions, the president calls on the Academic Council.

The fine print

Royal Roads University was established when the British Columbia government passed the Royal Roads University Act. The act is a legal document that explains the university’s purpose, and sets out the rules for how we operate. We also have to follow several provisions of the province’s University Act.

Our board context statement

“Royal Roads University exists to provide high quality, innovative, competitively priced applied post-secondary education to career-focused students in Canada and abroad in a manner which meets their needs, is financially self-sufficient and is socially and environmentally responsible.”

— Adopted in 2003