School of Leadership Studies blog

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Words "kindness is a superpower" written on brick

The Courage of Kindness

Cheryl Heykoop reflects on what kindness means to leadership today as we navigate the complex, interconnected challenges the world is facing.

Picture of Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Helicopter

Thank you to Canadian Advanced Air Mobility

The School of Leadership Studies thanks Canadian Advanced Air Mobility (CAAM) for their sponsorship of our 2021-1 Winter cohort Leadership Challenge™.

Picture of Sharon Floyd, Executive Director, Embrave: Agency to End Violence

Resilience and YOU: Episode 1

School of Leadership Studies’ Associate Faculty member, Dr. Beth Page of Dream Catcher Consulting has launched a 13-week radio show on: Resilience and YOU.

Cartoon of three people talking with the text "I do have strong moral values, but I don't let them rule my life."

Let's Get Real About Values!!

There has been increasing attention to values in leadership and organizations the last 35 years, but we're only beginning to understand how to work with them.