Elizabeth A. Childs


Program head, Master of Arts in Learning and Technology

Education & Technology
Environment & Sustainability

Elizabeth Childs is interested in the design, creation and implementation of flexible learning environments that incorporate the affordances of information and communication technology (ICT) and provide learners with increased choice, flexibility and opportunities for co-creation. With expertise in educational technology & instructional design, design thinking, open education and online learning, her research interests include open educational practices and pedagogies; creation of online communities and digital habitats; design thinking and models for immersive professional development. 


Childs consults nationally and internationally in the areas of online and blended learning, online communities, professional learning, instructional design, and capacity development for technology enabled learning environments. She has worked with client groups across K-12, post secondary, government and industry to develop and implement blended learning environments and online learning communities in their organizations. Two of the projects she is currently involved in include Taking Making, and the Fully Online Learning Community Model.


PhD in Educational Technology

University of Calgary

Master of Education in Educational Technology

University of Calgary

Bachelor of Education (junior-intermediate science education and art)

Queen's University

Bachelor of Science

Queen's University


Childs, E. & Axe, J. (2019).  Designing for open educational environments: Balancing access, equity and engagement. In Gronseth, S. & Dalton, E. (Eds.). Universal Access Through Inclusive Instructional Design: International Perspectives on UDL. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.

Childs, E., Axe, J. & Veletsianos, G. & Webster, K. (2019). Fostering openness within a HE institution: tensions, opportunities and a work in progress. In D. Conrad & P. Prinsloo (Eds.) Open(ing) Education (pp. 345 - 363). Brill. https://doi.org/10.116/9789004422988_016

Axe, J., Childs. E., & Manion, K. (2020). In Search of Employment: Tackling Youth Homeless and Unemployment. Children and Youth Services Review.

vanOostveen, R., Barber, W., Childs, E., DiGiuseppe, M. & Colquhoun, K. (2019). Exploring the Fully Online Learning Community Model: Comparing Digital Technology Competence and Observed Performance on PBL Tasks. In M. Herzog, Z. Kubincova, P. Han. M. Temperini (Eds.), Advances in web-based learning - ICWL 2019: 18th International Conference Magdeburg, Germany September 23 – 25, 2019 Proceedings. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019.

vanOostveen, R., Childs, E., Barber, W., DiGiuseppe, M., Desjardins, C. & Percival, J. (2019). Introducing the Global Educational Learning Observatory (GELO) and the Global Readiness Explorer (GREx): A framework and dashboard to investigate tech competence and culture. In M. Herzog, Z. Kubincova, P. Han. M. Temperini (Eds.), Advances in web-based learning - ICWL 2019: 18th International Conference Magdeburg, Germany September 23 – 25, 2019 Proceedings. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019.

Axe, J., Childs, E., & Fearon, L. (2019, June). Self-assessment of participation: Enhancing student experience using a reflective tool. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, Vancouver, BC, Canada (June 1 – 4, 2019)

Axe, J., & Childs, E. (2019, October) Team and Community Building Online: Enhaning the Student Experience. Paper presented at the Association for Education and Computer Technology, Las Vegas, Nevada, (Oct 21 - 25, 2019).

Axe, J., Childs, E., Webster, K., Veletsianos, G. (2019). Fostering a Culture of Openness: A work in Progress. A presentation at the Educational Technology User Group (ETUG) Spring Conference June 20 – 21, 2019. Kamloops, BC.

Barber, W., vanOostveen, R. & Childs, E. (2019). Disruptive Design Pedagogy: A Partnership Model of University-Professional Governing Bodies for E-Learning Course Design in Professional Practice. Submitted as ECEL E-Learning Award of Excellence Submission to 18th European Conference on e-Learning, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 7-8, 2019.

Barber, W., vanOostveen, R. & Childs, E. (2019). Examining Elements of the Fully Online Learning Community Model (FOLC). A workshop presented at ECEL 2019 Pre-Conference Workshop for 18th European Conference on e-Learning, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 6, 2019.

Barber, W., vanOostveen, R., Childs, E., DiGiuseppe, M. & Harvey, J. (2019). Situating resilience, grit and growth mindset as constructs of social presence in the Fully Online Learning Community (FOLC) Model. Paper presented at 18th European Conference on e-Learning, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 7-8, 2019.

Blomgren, C., Childs, E., Axe, J. & Lalonde, C. (2019, April). Pockets of Educators. Presentation at OER 19, April 11 – 12, 2019, Galway, Ireland.

Childs, E., Axe, J. & Veletsianos, G. (2019, April). Fostering a culture of openness: enables, tensions and works in progress. Presentation at OER 19, April 11 – 12, 2019, Galway, Ireland.

Childs, E., & Chae, B. (2019, April). Researching Open Eduaction: Practical Guidelines for Dancing with an Octopus. Presented at Cascadia Open Education Summit, Vancouver, BC (April 17 – 18, 2019). 

Childs, E., Webster, K., DeVries, I., Axe, J., & Veletsianos, G. (2019, November). Student Perceptions of Openness: Survey of Current Literature. World Café presented at OE Global, Milan, Italy (Nov 26 – 28, 2019).

Crichton, S., & Childs. E. (2019, September). Developing Open Access Materials to Support Professional Learning: Takign Making into Classrooms Toolkit and Companion Online Experience. Paper presented at the 9th Pan Commonwealth Forum, Edinburgh, Scotland (September 9 – 12 , 2019).

Harrison, M., Webster, K., Childs, E., & Axe, J. (2019). Teaching and Learning in WordPress: Panel Q & A. A presentation at the Educational Technology User Group (ETUG) Spring Conference June 20 – 21, 2019. Kamloops, BC.

Webb, S., van Oostveen, R., Barber, W., Percival, J., & Childs, E. (2019, June). Co-creation of the Digital Space: Examining the use of web-based tools in Fully Online Learning Community (FOLC) environments. Paper presented at Ed Media, June 1- 5, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Wilson-Mahh, R. Axe, J., Childs, E., Hamilton, D., & Palahicky, S. (2019, June). A collaborative self-study: starting a SoTL Community of Practicel. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver, BC, Canada (June 1 – 5, 2019)