Royal Roads at Humanities and Social Sciences Congress 2019
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More than 25 members of the Royal Roads Univeristy community attended Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of British Columbia June 1 to 7, 2019.
Contributions included:
Asma-na-hi Antoine (Indigenous Education and Student Services), Assoc. Prof. Niels Agger-Gupta, Prof. Catherine Etmanski and Assist. Prof. Cheryl Heykoop (School of Leadership Studies) presented "Walk With Me: Responding to the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action through Participatory Theatre" June 2 as part of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE). Will Weigler, Lisa Corak, Krystal Cook and T’Sou-ke Nation Elder Shirley Alphonse co-authors.
Prof. Catherine Etmanski, with colleagues Erika Hasebe-Ludt (University of Lethbridge) and Dwayne Donald (University of Alberta), presented "Narrative Métissage: Adults Understanding their Life Stories through the Relationality of History, Memory, and Experience" June 3 as part of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE).
Prof. Geo Takach (School of Communication and Culture) and Asma-na-hi Antoine presented "Towards Interweaving Environmental Protection and Indigenous Reconciliation in Canada" June 3 to the Environmental Studies Association of Canada (ESAC).
Prof. Jo Axe, Prof. Elizabeth Childs (School of Education & Technology) and Assist. Prof. Lois Fearon (School of Business) gave a roundtable presentation on "Enhancing Student Experience Using a Reflective Tool" June 2 as part of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE).
Assoc. Prof. Kathleen Manion (School of Humanitarian Studies) presented several papers including "Team-Based Learning: A Tool to Enhance Student Citizenship, Changemaking Capacity, Collaboration and Respect for Diversity" at the Citizenship Education Research Network as part of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) conference. Assoc. Faculty Sophia Palahicky (School of Education & Technology) , Trish Dyck, Nooreen Shah-Preusser and Assoc. Faculty Susan Thackeray (School of Leadership Studies) co-authors.
Laura Wright (Masters of Arts Global Leadership alumni, ResiliencebyDesign Lab research associate, PhD candidate University of Edinburgh) presented "Role of Play and Nature-Based Research Methodologies in Child Researchers' Psychosocial Wellbeing and Community Engagement" June 5 as part of the Child and Youth Studies Research Cluster for the Canadian Sociology Association (CSA).
Recent Master of Arts in Leadership grads Marcia Dawson and Christine Webster, current Doctor of Social Sciences student Brian Mendoza Dominguez, Prof. Catherine Etmanski, Assoc. Prof. Kathy Bishop and Assist. Prof. Cheryl Heykoop (School of Leadership Studies) co-facilitated the full-day, pre-conference workshop "Reconciliation & adult learning through narrative métissage" June 1 as part of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE).
Prof. Mary Bernard attended the Federation and SSHRC Leaders meetings June 3 as the official representative of Royal Roads University and chaired “Living Within the Earth’s Carrying Capacity” for the SSHRC Leaders Panel "Imagining Canada’s Future" June 3.
Mickie Noble and Assist. Prof. Hilary Leighton (School of Environment and Sustainability) with Dawn Wiseman (Bishop’s University), Christine Tippett, Sandra Scott (UBC) and Liz Beattie (Master of Arts in Environmental Education and Communication alumni, PhD candidate at UBC) co-presented a pre-conference workshop "Stepping Toward a Sense of Place: A Forest Walk-Shop" June 1, which began at the Reconciliation Pole, moved through the Arboretum toward the Long House and into a swath of old growth in a wild choreography of radical (and necessary) collaboration between natural and human science.
Assist. Prof. Moira McDonald (School of Tourism and Hospitality Management) presented "A changing Dynamic: Cultural Preparedness of Adult Educators" June 4 as part of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE).
Assist. Prof. Rebecca Wilson-Mah (School of Tourism and Hospitality Management), Prof. Jo Axe and Prof. Elizabeth Childs (School of Education & Technology) presented "Collaborative Self-Study: Starting a SoTL Community of Practice" as part of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE). Assoc. Faculty Sophia Palahicky and Prof. Doug Hamilton co-authors.
Assist. Prof. Runa Das (College of Interdisciplinary Studies) presented "Quantifying energy poverty in Canada" June 4 as part of the Environmental Studies Association of Canada (ESAC).
Congress 2020 will be held at Western University from May 30 to June 5, 2020.