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Off-Campus event
In person
Fisgard and Douglas.
Downtown Victoria
Victoria BC V8W 1M6
RRU is once again participating in the annual Victoria Pride Parade on July 7!
All students, staff, faculty, family and friends are welcome to join the parade contingent. Scooters, wheelchairs and strollers are also welcome! The shared responsibilities of the parade-goers include tossing candy, holding the RRU Proud banner and waving.
Marshalling area and route
Parade participants should arrive between 10:15 and10:30 a.m. We will have an RRU greeter at the fountain in Centennial Square (beside Victoria City Hall) who can help point participants to our location in the parade line-up. Bussing into town is recommended. Those who are driving may want to consider parking their vehicle closer to the end of the parade route, or somewhere along the way.
The Songhees Nation and other Indigenous and Two-Spirit guests of honour will be opening the parade at Fisgard and Douglas.

Victoria Pride Reminder:
- We ask that all parade participants DO NOT throw candy/items at the crowds. Handing directly to folks is fine.
- Please think about our environmental impact on what is being distributed out to the community and in your décor of vehicles.
- Please keep music and sounds quiet while marshaling until parade starts @ 11am
- If you see unsafe activity during the Parade, please speak to one of our cyclists who will be keeping the parade flowing and mitigating issues to keep everyone safe.
- No weapons of any kind
The parade will end at Menzies and Kingston Streets. and will arrive at MacDonald Park at around 1 p.m., where the Pride Festival will be in full swing.
Stay cool
Please consider bringing:
- comfortable clothing (creative and colourful attire encouraged)
- comfortable shoes
- water
- a hat
- sunscreen
- your RRU Proud or RRU Pride T-shirt
This is a fabulous, fun, family-friendly event – we hope to see you there!
Email us with any questions.
See our Pride page for more Pride events, info and resources.