Love Letters to the Earth - Earth Month session

Earth Month session poster with hand holding flowers and paper

Timezone: PDT

On-Campus event

In person

2005 Sooke Rd.
Victoria BC V9B 5Y2

Please join ecopsychology professor Hilary Leighton and the Climate Action & Sustainability team of Maria Bremner and Beverly de Vries and on April 23rd at Royal Roads University from 1:00 – 3:00 pm as we gather to write love letters to the Earth. 

Designed as a collective act giving voice to love, grief, loss and hope, as an act of disruption, resistance and deep imagination, this is an invitation toward emergence and action as we dare to dream of a world inhabitable for all beings, for all time. 

The opposite of naïve, writing and sending dispatches of love to the sentient Earth, our earthy Mother, can, according to mythologist Dr. Martin Shaw, “rehydrate our ecological reverence” and deepen our web of life connections. What better day than this to honour the world! 

Inspired by Letters to the EarthWriting to Planet in Crises (Hope, McInnes, Michael and Pengelly, 2019) participants will be invited to write their own letter to Earth in the form of prose, poetry or any other explication of expression you choose. We will share in small groups and then, those who feel comfortable doing so, will read their short letters on video as we prepare to send out one giant love bomb across the wire: LOVE LETTERS TO EARTH FROM ROYAL ROADS. 

Following the wise words of eco-philosopher, Dr. Joanna Macy, “we must act as everything we do will make a world of difference” because it has… and it will. Small acts can create great ripples. Isn’t it time to show our heartfelt appreciation for this bedazzling blue jewel of a planet we call home? We hope you will join us in doing so.

Please wear weather ready clothing, bring something to sit on, water, a journal or paper to write on, and writing implements. The Climate Action Team will provide snacks and tea. In the event of torrential rain, we have a backup location booked. 

Check out the other Earth Month activities being offered at RRU. Register today to secure your spot for the Love Letters to the Earth session!
