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Often, we avoid addressing critical issues at work because conflict is uncomfortable. It may seem like avoiding difficult issues will relieve discomfort, but it will only magnify a problem and create an unmanageable conflict. Conflicts worth having don't have an easy answer or quick fix. Engaging with conflict has the potential to shift a workplace to be more aligned with the values and behaviors we need to thrive.
Join us for this interactive webinar series on “Engaging with Conflict to Support Change in the Workplace” hosted by Dr. Marnie Jull. We will explore different dimensions of workplace conflict: microaggressions, the dilemmas of diversity, and leveraging change when you’re feeling stuck.
In this second episode, we welcome Samantha Heron, as we explore the dilemmas of diversity in the workplace.
Samantha (she, her, hers and elle) is a conflict management consultant, fully insured mediator, facilitator and community connector in the SafeSport and sport sector in Canada. Samantha’s previous career, education, research, and personal values shape her approach to conflict management. Samantha emphasizes a highly collaborative approach focused on shared leadership, justice, empathy, and inclusion.
Date: June 13, 2023
Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. PDT
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