Recognizing excellence throughout our community
The Chancellor's Community Recognition Award honours recipients with a significant connection to Royal Roads University.
We are proud to recognize and celebrate individuals and organizations who demonstrate excellence and make outstanding contributions to their communities.
They have addressed community issues and exemplify one or more of RRU's six critical committments:
- Build on strengths in applied and professional programming, inter- and transdisciplinarity and innovative delivery.
- Grow our innovative and entrepreneurial culture, and respond quickly to changes in the workplace and society.
- Enhance the inclusion and engagement of people of diverse backgrounds and ideas in all aspects of university life.
- Implement [or honour] the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and honour the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
- Advance sustainability in all our academic programs and operations, with a focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
- Promote research and education to tackle the climate crisis, rapid advances in technology and interconnected social, economic and political challenges.
These six critical committments reflected in RRU's current vision, Learning for Life: 2045 and Beyond, and can be shifted as the vision evolves.
Past recipients
Recent recipients include:
- M’akola Housing Society (2019)
- Victoria Women in Need Community Cooperative (2018)
- Wayne Strandlund (2017)
Read profiles of past recipients.
Nominations are accepted any time. We issue an annual call.
Students, programs, faculty, staff, alumni, members of the public or members of the Board of Governors may submit nominations for eligible candidates. Nominators should not be family members of the nominee.
Complete and submit a nomination form and follow the submission instructions.
Nominations should be made in writing to the President and should include:
- The current name, address, telephone number and email address of the candidate;
- any available background information on the nominee, such as their position or resume if available;
- a description of why the nominee is deserving of the award, such as their contributions to the community and what impact it has had; and
- any supporting information that may be helpful, such as newspaper articles.
- Recipients will have made demonstrable contributions to their communities reflecting one or more of the university’s critical commitments:
Build on strengths in applied and professional programming, inter- and transdisciplinarity and innovative delivery;
Grow our innovative and entrepreneurial culture and respond quickly to changes in the workplace and society;
Enhance the inclusion and engagement of people of diverse backgrounds and ideas in all aspects of university life;
Implement [or honour] the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and honour the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
Advance sustainability in all our academic programs and operations, with a focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals; and
Promote research and education to tackle the climate crisis, rapid advances in technology and interconnected social, economic and political challenges.
- Nominees’ achievements should celebrate the university values -- caring, creative and courageous -- and serve as an inspiration and role model to our students, graduates and our community.
- Individuals nominated should reflect the diversity of society, including women, Indigenous people, racialized group members and visible minorities, people with disabilities, people who identify as LGBTQ2S+ and others.
The Board of Governors periodically reviews nominations and approves candidates to add to the candidate pool. The President and Chancellor select recipients from the pool for relevant ceremonies. Approved candidates’ names will be kept on file for three years.
Nominators must keep the nomination confidential, including with the potential nominee, members of the Royal Roads community and the public. Once approved by the Board of Governors, nominations will be held active for a period of three years.
- Canadians and non-Canadians are eligible to be nominated.
- Both individual or community organizations/groups are eligible.
- Active members of faculty and staff at Royal Roads University are eligible for the award if they might be involved with external community groups of merit.
- Normally, an active politician should not be nominated for the award.
- Current members of the Board of Governors or their family members are not eligible.
- Only in exceptional circumstances will an award be awarded in abstentia.
- Posthumous awards will not be awarded.
- People who have already received community impact or recognition awards from other institutions will be considered.
To submit a nomination or to ask questions, contact the secretary to the Board of Governors.
The Board secretary will communicate with the nominators. Staff will undertake due diligence by thoroughly screening nominations.
Successful candidates will be informed in writing by the President of the decision to schedule the award.
While not every nominee will be awarded a Chancellor’s Community Impact Award, all submitted applications will also be considered for other RRU awards.