Scott Funk
Accessibility Committee
Scott has spent the past 23 years in the construction trades and facility management. Over that time, he has seen incremental progress made in achieving accessibility for all persons as it relates to building and infrastructure, barrier-free access.
In new construction, it is always easier to include accessible design criteria; however, Royal Roads has many heritage facilities that were built during a time when accessibility was not a priority.
Having acquired vision and hearing issues, along with being on the road to mental health stability, he feels there is a need to ensure both physical and mental health to accomplish the accessibility goals.
Having people reach their destination and feeling like they can be present and engaged to their fullest will be one of his indicators of success.
Creating accessibility for all persons comes with certain challenges and requires an amount of dedication and determination to create the policy and space for the staff, students and community to enjoy.
Scott looks forward to lending his voice and experiences to the Accessibility Committee, which he believes can encourage growth in an area that is necessary to provide the same ease of use for all.