
Royal Roads University photography sample of real life images

Using Royal Roads imagery

Royal Roads images portray real people in real moments. Our photos are natural and feel unstaged.

Our Brand Centre includes current and historical images of students, classrooms, events, grounds and gardens. Images are available in several formats and resolutions for web and print.

Royal Roads University photography sample of engaging images

Photographing people

Our goal is to photograph people looking passionate and alive, engaged and informed, and on an active campus.


Royal Roads University photography sample of tactile spaces

Photographing places

Our goal is to photograph active, visually rich and interesting scenes. Our photos are tactile; they show evidence of activity and have natural light and warm colours.

Royal Roads University photography sample of real life moments

Photography quick tips

Photos that look and feel like RRU photography share these characteristics:

  • capture real moments and avoid posed situations
  • feature realistic perspectives, no extreme angles
  • include textures and details in architecture
  • show evidence of activity (e.g., a book left open on a garden bench, a research project in the rainy woods)
  • include calming space (often white space) in the shot
  • show people engaging in a conversation or activity
Royal Roads University photography sample of active campus images

Stock photography

If you're unable to find a suitable image in the Brand Centre for your needs, we can help source stock photography options.