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Student research feature: Chelsea Brookes
Congratulations to Chelsea Brookes on the completion of a Master’s Thesis titled, Fostering Thompson Region Primary Care Provider Leadership.
The Interconnections of Language Revitalization and Autonomy
Shawna Yamkovy (with Wanda Krause)
Shawna Yamkovy’s research focused on language revitalization and in particular strategies for Dëne Sųłiné Yati, as part of her capstone in the MAGL program.
Student Research Feature: James Stempien
Congratulations to James Stempien on the completion of a Master’s Thesis titled, Understanding Emergency Medicine Physician Leadership within the SHA.
Thank you to Our Cowichan Communities Health Network
Cheryl Heykoop
Thanks to Our Cowichan Communities Health Network for their engagement as our MA Leadership-Health 2022 Leadership Challenge™ sponsoring organization.
Student Research Feature: Laura Hahn
Congratulations to Laura Hahn completing a thesis titled Embedding Truth and Reconciliation in the Practices of the Association of Counselling Therapy of AB.
Student Research Feature: Veronica Woodruff
Congratulations to Veronica Woodruff on the completion of a Master’s Thesis.
Student Research Feature: BoWaine Ma
Congratulations to MA in Leadership student BoWaine Ma on the completion of a Master’s Thesis titled, Advocating for Inclusive Leadership in Windsor.
Student Research Feature: Katie Jewitt
Congratulations to Katie Jewitt on thesis, Enhancing Partnership and strengthening leadership within the early learning and child child care sector in rural BC.
Student Research Feature: Ricki-Lee Prestley
Congratulations to Ricki-Lee Prestley on the completion of a Master’s Thesis titled, Designing Leadership Practice.