Understanding the opportunities and limitations of rights-based education during the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda
Dr. Manion received an RRU Internal Grant for Research to study how play- and creative-based child rights education can be effectively implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda.
Based on previous work in Canada and Uganda, Manion and Jones (2020) have argued that children’s rights education has an important role in supporting effective pedagogy. This project seeks to explore how play- and creative-based child rights education can be effectively implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic and the allied educational restraints imposed in two locations in Uganda (a resettlement camp and a small city). This project proposes to host four focus groups in two locations with teachers and community members. This will be augmented with a desk-based literature review of African-produced literature on imbedding children’s rights within an African context.
Manion, H. K., & Jones, S. (2020). Child rights education: Building capabilities and empowerment through social constructivism. Canadian Journal of Child Rights, 7(1).