Social Policy at its Best: A Tour through Evidence-Informed Policy Solutions Around the Globe to Meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Dr. Smith-Carrier received an Internal Grant for Research to study the problems identified in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and recognize evidence-informed policy solutions.

This research explores evidence-informed solutions from around the globe that have been shown to tackle the problems identified in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Using Community-based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR), the Advisory Committee on the SDGs (the research team) will conduct a multi-case comparative policy analysis (Goodrick, 2014) to identify evidence-informed policy solutions shown to reduce poverty, hunger, climate change, among other SDGs (specifics to be determined by the team, in keeping with CBPAR principles). Conducting a series of synthesis papers or systematic reviews on specific SDG policy domains could form the basis of the multi-case comparative analytic approach.