Students’ Poster Presentations - MAHEAL 2016
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The School of Education and Technology invites staff and faculty to attend MAHEAL students' poster presentations that will showcase their research projects. These cohorts of students began their program in June 2016, and are now in the final stages of completing the 2 yr. program.
A program requirement during their 2nd residency is to showcase their research project via a poster presentation. Each student will present their respective poster (20 minutes) and be available to answer questions.
Location: Hatley Castle Drawing Room
Poster Presentations Schedule
Thursday, June 7
1:00pm - First-Generation Students in Higher Education, Alexis Anderson
1:30pm - Recruiting International Students: The Impact of the Organizational Environment, Batmunkh Bataa
2:15pm - An Exploration into the Concept of an International Education Hub Based in Canada, Caroline Blouin
2:45pm - The Influence of Learning Analytics on Decision-Making on Retention in Higher Education, Alistair Calder
3:00pm - Leadership and Institutional Culture: Fostering Innovation to Address Critical Issues on Campus, Shannon Clarke
3:30pm - Challenges, Opportunities, and Possibilities: Rethinking the Value of Regional Campuses, Wanda Erikson
Friday, June 8
1:00pm - How can Secondary School Leadership Teams Prepare Students to Transition into Post-Secondary Education, Hannah Gottfried
1:30pm - Supporting the Whole Student: Student Resilience within Higher Education, Laura Huxley
2:15pm - Housing Considerations for International Students, Danielle Johnsrude
2:45pm - Experiential Blended Learning for Adult Custody Training in the 21st Century, Izach Verceles
3:00pm - An Overview of University & College Pathway Programs for International, Michael Walkey