Sendai Youth Shout Out (SYSO): Framing Disaster Risk Reduction Planning and Participation through the Eyes of Youth
Dr. Cox was awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council grant for a project that identifies a youth-centric framework and potential leaders to address climate change and disasters.
The ResiliencebyDesign research lab (RbD) is committed to amplifying the voices and influence of youth to address climate change and disasters. This work is in line with Canada’s commitments to prioritize an all-of-society approach to reducing disaster risk as part of the 2015-2030 Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). Sendai recognizes youth as both a population highly impacted by disasters and as potential leaders in ensuring the resilience targets will be met. The Sendai Youth Shout Out project will engage youth in a two-day design workshop process to produce a youth-centric version of a youth-engagement framework developed by the RbD to support meaningful youth engagement through youth-adult partnerships.