Promoting anti-racism and cultural safety for Indigenous People in health care
Drs. Etmanski, Heykoop and Antoine received a BC Ministry of Health Institutional Grant to develop better educational materials to address systemic racism against Indigenous peoples.
In 2020, the report In Plain Sight was released. The report found widespread systemic racism against Indigenous peoples exists in the BC health care system and outlined 24 recommendations for “systemic action”. Recommendations related to health leadership education include:
• adoption of an accreditation standard for all health education programs in BC (#8)
• development and implementation of a refreshed approach to anti-racism, cultural humility and trauma-informed training for health workers (#20)
• inclusion -- in all BC university and college degree and diploma programs for health practitioners – of mandatory components to ensure all students receive accurate and detailed knowledge of Indigenous-specific racism, colonialism, trauma-informed practice, Indigenous health and wellness, and the requirement to provide service to meet the minimum standards in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (#21).
This research will engage Indigenous Knowledge Keepers and Elders; Indigenous Scholars, Practitioners, and Alumni who work in health care; and health care leaders to respond to the recommendations and survey educational materials that exist and develop materials to better support health care leaders in BC to address widespread systemic racism against Indigenous peoples.
The project will: 1) explore what is currently being done within the FNHA and VIHA to address widespread systemic racism against Indigenous peoples; 2) identify key priorities for health care leaders in BC to address widespread systemic racism; and 3) develop a training or micro-credential to support health care leaders to be better equipped to address and respond to widespread systemic racism in health care against Indigenous people.