PromoScience Expedition 2022-23

Audrey Dallimore received a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council grant to develop community driven and culturally relevant experiences of coastal and marine science and technology.

The objective of PromoScience Expeditions is to provide youth, including Indigenous youth, their teachers and communities in remote Canadian coastal communities, with opportunities to experience coastal and marine science and technology from researchers and Traditional Knowledge holders. Since 2017 we have brought science vessel-based tours, interactive, hands-on science experiences, popular community Science Day events, field trips and online interactive science content, to youth, teachers and the general public in BC and western Arctic coastal communities. Our focus in 2022-23 is on consultation and community driven activities that are meaningful and culturally relevant. Online, engaging Covid-proof StoryMap content will continue to expand impact beyond our in-person events. 2022-23 will facilitate partnerships and activities between scientists and coastal communities, and support activities which generate interest in the Natural Sciences and Engineering (NSE) and help address educational action items in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action.