Presentation of 3 papers at IAFOR conference and preparation for publication

Dr. Walinga was awarded an Internal Grant for Research to present and prepare for publication three research papers for the International Academic Forum.

I will present 3 papers at IAFOR Jan 8 -12, prepare all 3 for publication, and develop partnerships with local colleagues.
1. Integrated Focus: Unlocking Insight and Creativity in the Face of Intractable and Complex Problems: This paper documents the process for unlocking insight in a variety of contexts including sport, education, social profit and corporate organizations, and public institutions.
2. Winning Better: Coaching for Personal Leadership Development Through Sport: The objective of this study is to identify the ways that personal leadership development can enhance sport performance. The purpose of the study is to expand the focus of sport in Canada on developing ‘good players’ who are also ‘good sports’.
3. Faculty Initiated Communities of Practice: A Case Study: This paper documents the development and impact of the CoP as a liberating structure in higher education.