T.J. Hoogsteen's academic work has centred around school effectiveness and the structures and practices that support continued improvement and success. The overarching goals in his work is evaluating and synthesizing current knowledge and support practitioners in making evidence-based decisions.
Hoogsteen has held many roles in over 14 years in education. These roles include classroom teacher, literacy interventionist and coach, and school administrator. Aside from teaching in the MAELM program, he is currently a school administrator in northeastern Saskatchewan.
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership
Master of Education in Educational Administration
Bachelor of Education
University of New Brunswick
Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice
Olivet College
Collective Efficacy: Toward a new narrative of its development and role in achievement (2020). Palgrave
Collective teacher efficacy: A critical review of education’s top influence (2020). Advances in Social
Sciences Research, 7(6), 574-586.
Personal leadership resources as mediator of context and leadership practice: A review and conceptual analysis (2020). Advances in Social Sciences Research, 7(4), 24-34.
Fostering collective efficacy?: What school leaders should know (2021). Advances in Social Sciences
Research, 8(2), 77-84.