Sharon is the CEO of an organization that supports survivors of gender-based violence in Ontario. She is a mentor, coach, partner and a proud mother of two cis male allies.
Sharon aspires each day to show up in the world with authenticity, staying strong and true to her values of equity and inclusion, bringing the experiences of those who are most marginalized to the center of her work for over 30 years.
Sharon is a graduate of the Master of Arts in Leadership program. She holds a diploma in Human Resource Management, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Child Studies and Psychology.
Sharon is the CEO of an anti-violence organization in Ontario, which has been providing shelter, counselling and advocacy supports to survivors of violence for over 40 years.
She has held leadership positions in the violence against women sector, developmental services sector and the youth Sector. As a steward leader who works from an anti-racist, anti-oppression framework, Sharon is dedicated to system change work that includes historically marginalized voices and experiences.
Memberships and Committees
Sharon is the co-chair of the Peel Coalition for the Prevention of Hate Crime. She is also a member of several networks, boards and committees, including:
- Peel Anti-Black Racism and Systemic Discrimination Committee
- Community Safety and Well Being Plan Committee -Family Violence Action Table
- Peel Alliance to End Homelessness
- Peel Reaching Home Community Advisory Board
- Black Community Action Network
She was also co-chair of the Peel Committee Against Woman Abuse and board member of the Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses.
Master of Arts in Leadership
Royal Roads University
Certified Leadership Coach
Human Resources Management and Services Diploma
McMaster University
Bachelor of Arts
Brock University
Certified Crisis Prevention Institute Instructor
Social Justice and Equity Award
East Mississauga Community Health Centre
Community Leader Award
MP Sven Spengemann
Service Excellence Leadership
Violence Against Women Sector Interim Place