Richard Kool


Environment & Sustainability

Rick Kool is founder of the MA in Environmental Education and Communication, which began in 2003. A self-confessed generalist and academic dilletante, he has published on the walking speed of dinosaurs, Northwest coast native whaling, museum exhibit design, ciliated protozoans and the sex life of marine invertebrates, along with work in environmental education and communication. His recent work has related to environmental education and how it confronts hope and despair, the potential role and place of religion in environmental education, and conceptions of change in environmental education and communication. Of particular interest is the challenges of engaging in science, health and environmental communications to science-resistant religious communities.



Kool began his professional life as a secondary school science teacher on the west coast of Vancouver Island. He then taught biology and ecology at Vancouver’s Douglas College before returning to Vancouver Island to work at the BC Provincial Museum (now Royal BC Museum) as an education officer, ending his time there as director of public programs. Kool was the environmental education co-ordinator for the BC Ministry of Environment, and co-ordinated park interpretation within BC Parks.


Doctor of Education (EdD)

Brigham Young University

Master of Science (Zoology)

University of British Columbia

Bachelor of Arts (Zooloy)

University of New Hampshire


Ashurst, D., Kool, R., & Snively, G. (2018). Cross-cultural marine science—Incorporating Indigenous and Western science in a culturally inclusive curriculum for all learners. In G. Snively & L. W. Williams (Eds.), Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science. University of Victoria Library.

Denning, D., & Kool, R. (1993). Environmental Citizenship and Literacy: A Focus for Environmental Education and Learning about Sustainable Societies in British Columbia Schools.

DiGiuseppe, M., Karrow, D., & Kool, R. (2019, November 22-25). Environmental and Sustainability Education in Canadian Faculties of Education 2019 Global Conference on Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan.

DiGiuseppe, M., Karrow, D., & Kool, R. (2020). Environmental and Sustainability Education in Canadian Faculties of Education: Not Yet in the Mainstream Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Toronto.

DiGiuseppe, M., Karrow, D. D., Kool, R., Howard, P., Lin, E., Paul Elliott, Sims, L., & Vanwynsberghe, R. (2019). Assessing the State of Canadian Environmental Sustainability Education in Teacher Education in a Post-Truth Era American Educational Research Association, Toronto.

Gilson, J., & Kool, R. (2019). The place of inspiration in heritage interpretation: A conceptual analysis. Journal of Interpretation Research, 24(1), 27-48.

Good, J., Hinai, M. A., Bloomfield, E. F., Kelsey, E., Kinefuchi, E., Kool, R., Senda-Cook, S., & Tam, C.-L. (2019, June 20, 2019). Communicating Environmental Spirituality Conference on Communications and Environment, University of BC-Vancouver

Hart, P., Jickling, B., & Kool, R. (1999). Starting points: Questions of quality in environmental education. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 4, 104-124.

Hart, P., Jickling, B., & Kool, R. (2015). Starting points: Questions of quality in environmental education. In A. Reid & J. Dillon (Eds.), Environmental Education: Critical Concepts in the Environment. Routledge.

Hebert, G., Kool, R., & Lertzman, R. (2012). Beyond knowing and doing: the psychosocial implications of environmental education North American Association of Environmental Education, Oakland, CA.

Kool, R. (1970). Morphogenesis of Trachelostyla pediculiformis (Cohn, 1866) (Ciliophora Hypotrichida). Journal of Protozoology, 17 (suppl.)(6), 1.

Kool, R. (1975). The ecology of the ciliated protozoa of Marion Lake, British Columbia University of British Columbia]. Vancouver, BC.

Kool, R. (1979). Living Land Living Sea:  A new gallery in the British Columbia Provincial Museum. B.C. Science Teacher, 21(2), 15-17.

Kool, R. (1979). Clarification of two Mammuthus molars from the British Columbia Provincial Museum. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 16(10), 2058-2059.

Kool, R. (1979). Collecting: Problems and Proposals. B.C. Science Teacher, 20(3), 24-28.

Kool, R. (1979). An opening at Princeton. Museum Roundup, 76, 39-40.

Kool, R. (1980). Biogeoclimatic Zones made simple. B.C. Science Teacher, 21(3), 43-49.

Kool, R. (1980). Dinosaur Tracks from British Columbia. BC Science Teacher, 21(4), 46-47.

Kool, R. (1980, May-June). Isolate, Inspect, Insert. B.C. Teacher, 184-186.

Kool, R. (1980, Winter). Edges. Wildlife Review, 16-20.

Kool, R. (1981). Occupational Health in a Museum Setting. Museum Roundup, #82, 19-29.

Kool, R. (1981). The Walking Speeds of Dinosaurs from the Peace River Canyon, British Columbia Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 18(4), 823-825.

Kool, R. (1982). Long, long ago in Sooke. Discovery: Newsletter of the Friends of the Provincial Museum, 10(4).

Kool, R. (1982). Of Mammoths and Mastodons. Discovery: Newsletter of the Friends of the Provincial Museum, 10(3).

Kool, R. (1982). Northwest Coast Indian Whaling: New Considerations. Canadian Journal of Anthropology, 3(1), 31-44.