Nickolas J. Cherwinski

Associate faculty

Humanitarian Studies

Dr. Nickolas J. Cherwinski’s professional work over the last 20 years has been in both the public and private sectors. He is a social and behavioural scientist that specializes in law, public policy, public governance, mental health and substance use policy, and conflict analysis and management.

In addition to his associate faculty role at Royal Roads University within the School of Humanitarian Studies, he currently serves interdisciplinary clinical and corporate teams as Scientific Advisor for enterprise policy and governance initiatives in the public sector of the British Columbian health care system; and, is the Post-Doctoral Fellow for The Trust Initiative. This initiative is a collaboration between the University of Victoria (School of Nursing), SWITCH BC, and Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC".


Dr. Cherwinski focuses his professional work in Canada on creating positive social change by harnessing the energy of conflict while facilitating interdisciplinary professionals in social and public policy development. His research interests include structural marginalization, violence prevention and mental health policy. Among Cherwinski's credentials is a clinical registration in addiction counselling.

His international experience includes the negative peace conflict zones of Palestine, Israel, Syria and Turkey; where he has facilitated in-person conflict analysis, interdisciplinary approaches to social change, and brief psychosocial mental health interventions.


PhD in Law and Public Policy

Walden University

Master of Philosophy in Public Administration

Walden University

Master of Arts in Conflict Analysis and Management

Royal Roads University


Pi Alpha Alpha Honor Society

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Research interest

Mental health policy

Healthcare worker trust

COVID-19 policy


Bali, S., Buna, D. K., & Cherwinski, N. J. (2023). An Exploratory Retrospective Scoping Chart Review of An Individualized Inpatient Managed Alcohol Program (RAAP)

Cherwinski, N. J. (2021). Canadian Policymaker Experiences on Reducing Syndemic Stigma for HIV and Substance Use Disorder. Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. Retrieved