Matt Dodd


Environment & Sustainability

Matt Dodd is an environmental analytical chemist with research interests in metal speciation and bioavailability, contaminants in the urban environment, e-waste management, air quality monitoring and management, soil toxicity testing, persistent organic pollutants, microplastics, contaminated sites assessment and remediation, ecological and human health risk assessment, and integrated pest management. He has conducted research and served as project scientist for environmental projects in Canada, China, and Ghana.  He has also supervised or provided scientific advice on the remediation of contaminated sites including mines in the Yukon, Northern BC, and the Canadian Arctic (e.g., DEW Line). He supervises thesis, dissertation, and major research project students in undergrad and graduate programs.  He has developed and delivered short courses on environmental assessment and remediation to various agencies, successfully incorporating practical experiences from the numerous projects he has worked on. 


Dodd joined Royal Roads University in 1995 as a research associate with the Centre for Economic Development and Applied Research (CEDAR) and moved to the School of Environment and Sustainability in 2006. Prior to this he was a research associate with the Environmental Sciences Group at Royal Roads Military College and taught briefly at Grenfell College, Memorial University of Newfoundland. 

Memberships and Committees
  • Associate Editor for Chemistry Africa
  • Member of Bioaccessibility Subcommittee, B.C. Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee
  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)


PhD in Environmental Analytical Chemistry

University of British Columbia

Bachelor of Science (First Class Honours)

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana


Research interest

Contaminants in urban environments

In vitro bioaccessibility analysis

Contaminated sites assessment and remediation


Gampson, E.K., Dodd, M. & d’Entremont, M.V. (2025). Source and distribution of heavy metals in sediment samples from select creeks of the highly urbanized Metro Vancouver Watersheds, Canada. Discover Environment, 3, 35.

Asamoah, B.D., Yevugah, L.L., Borquaye, L.S., Dodd, M. & Darko, G. (2025) Receptor modeling, ecological risks, and human health impacts of mercury in some Ghanaian topsoils due to mining and commercial activities, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2025, vgaf054.

Boakye, K.O., Darko, D., Asante, B.O., Tanor, E., Logah, V. & Dodd, M. (2025) Consumers and farmer awareness and perception of heavy metal contamination in rice: Implications for food safety and sustainability. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems, 10, e70012.

Frimpong, E., Ankapong, E., Boakye, K.O., Ansah, E., Gyamfi, O., Barnes, B., Dodd, M., & Darko, D. (2025). Uptake and in vitro bioaccessibility of toxic metals in cocoa beans: Human health risks. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 47, 33.

Dodd, M., Durojaiye, A., & Dupuis, J. (2024). Distribution and in vitro bioaccessibility of potentially toxic metals in soils at select urban parks at eastern Canadian cities. Soil Systems, 8(4), 123.

Ankapong, E., Gyamfi, O., Agyei, V., Dodd, M., Akoto, O. & Darko, D. (2024). Soil-to-plant transfer factors of uranium and thorium in mining and non-mining districts of Ghana. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 280, 107566.

Kyere, K., Agyarko, K., Kotei, R., Dodd, M., Darko, G., Kavi, K.K., & Attipoe, S.D. (2024).  Dumpsites farmers’ awareness of physicochemical properties of dumpsites soil in two agro-ecological zones, Ghana. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196, 955

Osei-Owusu, C., Gyamfi, O., Ankapong, E., Agyei, V., Addo, K.A., Awua-Boateng, N.Y., Kuffour, C., Amissah-Reynolds, P.K., Ansah, E., Bessah, E., Dartey, E., Dodd, M & Darko, G.  (2024). Assessment of Nicotine delivery capabilities and evaluation of human health risk of metals associated with selected tobacco products. Discover Toxicology, 1, 5.

Asamoah, B.D., Yevugah, L.L, Borquaye, L.S., Dodd, M & Darko, G. (2024). Spatial distribution, bioaccessibility, and human health implications of potentially toxic elements in mining‑impacted topsoils in Obuasi Municipality of Ghana. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 46, 291.

Nkansah, M.A., Adrewie, D., Quarm, I.S., Obiri-Yeboah, S. & Dodd M. (2024). Metals profile of milled shrimps and the potential risk associated with their consumption. Environmental Systems Research, 13, 20.

Dodd, M., Lee, D., Nelson, J., Verenitch, S. & Wilson, R. (2024). In vitro bioaccessibility round robin testing for arsenic and lead in standard reference materials and soil samples. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management.

Oduro, P.A., Ankar-Brewoo, G., Dodd, M., Ansah, E., Darko, C., Borquaye, L.S. & Darko, G. (2023). Health risks of potentially toxic metals in cereal-based breakfast meals in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana. Discover Foods, 3, 25

Asamoah, B.D., Dodd, M., Yevugah, L.L. Borquaye, L.S., Boateng, A., Nkansah, M.A. & Darko, G. (2023).  Distribution and in-vitro bioaccessibility of potentially toxic metals in surface soils from a mining and a non-mining community in Ghana: implications for human health. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 45, 9875–9889.

Konadu, F.N., Gyamfi, O., Ansah, E. Borquaye, L.S., Agyei, V., Dartey, E., Dodd, M., Obiri-Yeboah, S. & Darko, G. (2023). Human health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in soil and air particulate matter of automobile hub environments in Kumasi, Ghana. Toxicology Reports, 11, 261-269.

Nkansah, M.A., Korankye, M., Darko, G., Dodd, M. & Opoku, F. (2023). Potential health risk and bio-accessibility of metal and minerals in saltpetre (a food additive). Heliyon, 9(3), E13174. 

Dodd, M., Amponsah, L.O., Grundy, S. & Darko, G.  (2023). Human health risk associated with metal exposure at Agbogbloshie e-waste site and the surrounding neighbourhood in Accra, Ghana. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 45, 4515–4531.

Nkansah, M., Adrewie, D., Darko, G., & Dodd, M. (2021). Potential elemental exposure and health risk associated with the consumption of groundnut paste processed with local milling machines within the Kumasi metropolis. Scientific African, 13, e00967. 10.1016/j.sciaf.2021.e00967.

Apau, J., Osei-Owusu, J, Yeboah, A, Gyamfi, O, Darko, G, Akoto, O & Dodd, M. (2021). Distribution of heavy metals in sediments, physicochemical and microbial parameters of water from River Subin of Kumasi Metropolis in Ghana. Scientific African. 15. e01074. 10.1016/j.sciaf.2021.e01074. 

Konwuruk, N., Borquaye, L.S., Darko, G. & Dodd, M. (2021).  Distribution, bioaccessibility and human health risks of toxic metals in peri urban topsoils of the Kumasi Metropolis. Scientific African, 11 (2021) e00701. 

Amponsah, L.O., Dodd, M. & Darko, G. Gastric bioaccessibility and human health risks associated with soil metal exposure via ingestion at an E-waste recycling site in Kumasi, Ghana. (2022). Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 44, 497–509 

Akanchise, T., Boakye, S., Borquaye, L.S., Dodd, M. & Darko, G. Distribution of heavy metals in soils from abandoned dump sites in Kumasi, Ghana (2020) (2020) Scientific African, 10, e00614 

Rweyemamu, A.R., Nkansah, M.A., Darko, G. & Dodd, M. (2020). Contamination and human health risk due to toxic metals in dust from transport stations in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana. Chemistry Africa, 3, 831–843.

Darko, G., Adjei, S., Nkansah, M.A., Borquaye, L.S., Boakye, K.O. & Dodd, M. (2020) Accumulation and bioaccessibility of toxic metals in root tubers and soils from gold mining and farming communities in the Ashanti region of Ghana International Journal of Environmental Health Research32(8), 1-11. DOI: 10.1080/09603123.2020.1772203 

Darko, G., Boakye, K.O., Nkansah, M.A., Gyamfi, O., Ansah, E., Yevugah, L.L., Acheampong, A., & Dodd, M. (2019). Human health risk and bioaccessibility of toxic metals in topsoils from Gbani mining community in Ghana. Journal of Health & Pollution, 9(22):190602. 

Nkansah, M.A., Darko, G., Dodd, M., Opoku, G., Essuman, T.B. & Antwi-Boasiako, J. (2017). Assessment of pollution levels, potential ecological risk and human health risk of heavy metals/metalloids in dust around fuel filling stations from the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana. Cogent Environmental Science 3: 1412153, DOI: 

Darko, G., Dodd, M., Nkansah, M.A., Ansah, E., Aduse-Poku, Y. Wemegah, D.D. & Borquaye, L.S. (2017). Distribution and ecological risks of toxic metals in the topsoils in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana. Cogent Environmental Science, 3, 1354965. DOI: 

Darko, G., Dodd, M., Nkansah, M.A., Ansah, E. & Aduse-Poku, Y. (2017). Distribution and Bioaccessibility of Metals in Urban Soils of Kumasi, Ghana. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189, 260. DOI 10.1007/s10661-017-5972-9    

Dodd, M., Richardson, G.M., Wilson, R., Rencz, A. & Friske, P. (2017). Elemental concentrations and in vitro bioaccessibility in Canadian background soils. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 39, 759–777, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10653-016-9846-9 

Nkansah M.A., Korankye M., Darko, G., & Dodd, M. (2016). Heavy metal content and potential health risk of geophagic white clay from the Kumasi Metropolis in Ghana. Toxicology Reports, 3, 644-651, DOI:

Laird, D., Weiseth, B., Packull-McCormick, S., Dodd, M. & Siciliano S.D. (2015). Solid-liquid separation method governs the in vitro bioaccessibility of metals in contaminated soil-like test materials. Chemosphere, 134, 544-549. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.12.019 

Dodd, M., Rasmussen, P. & Chénier, M. (2013). Comparison of the in vitro bioaccessibility procedure to the toy safety extraction protocol for assessing metal bioaccessibility. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 19(4), 1014-1027. 

Koch, I., Reimer, K.J., Bakker, M.I., Basta, N.T., Cave, M.R., Denys, S., Dodd, M., Hale, B.A., Irwin, R., Lowney, Y.W., Moore, M.M., Paquin, V., Rasmussen, P.E., Repaso-Subang, T., Stephenson, G.L., Siciliano, S.D., Wragg J., & Zagury, G.J. (2013). variability of bioaccessibility results using seventeen different methods on a standard reference material, NIST 2710. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 48, 641–655.

Laird B.D., James K., Van de Wiele T., Dodd M., Casteel S.W., Wickstrom M. & Siciliano, S.D. (2013). An investigation of the effect of gastrointestinal microbial activity on oral arsenic bioavailability. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 48, 612–619.

Dodd M. & Addison, J. (2010). Toxicity of methyl tert butyl ether to soil invertebrates (springtails: Folsomia candida, Proisotoma minuta, and Onychiurus folsomi) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29(2), 338–346.

Richardson, G.M., Bright, D.A., & Dodd, M. (2006). Do current standards of practice in Canada measure what is relevant to human exposure at contaminated sites? I: A discussion of soil particle size and contaminant partitioning in soil. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 12, 591 – 605.

Richardson G. M., Bright D. A. & Dodd M. (2006). Do current standards of practice in canada measure what is relevant to human exposure at contaminated sites? II: Oral bioaccessibility of contaminants in soil. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 12, 606 – 616.

Dodd M., Hartshorne B., Liebau W. & Seaman R. (2003). Peel-Caribou Staging Area, Yukon Territory - Assessment and remediation of DDT and other contaminants along a river bank. Polar Record, 39(4), 347 – 355. 

Dodd, M., Dushenko, W. & Birk, R. Management and remediation of DDT contaminated soils at the Fort Nelson Airport Escarpment Landfill. (2003). Proceedings of the Third Biennial Workshop on Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites in Arctic and Cold Climates, ARCSACC 03, 333 – 342.

Braune, B., Muir, D., DeMarch, B., Gamberg, M., Poole, K., Currie, R., Dodd, M., Dushenko, W., Eamer J., Elkin, B., Evans, M., Grundy, S., Hebert, C., Johnstone, R., Kidd, K., Koenig, B., Lockhart, L., Marshall, H., Reimer, K., Sanderson, J. & Shutt, L. (1999). Spatial and temporal trends of contaminants in Canadian arctic freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems: A review. The Science of the Total Environment, 230, 145 – 207. 

Grundy, S.L., Bright, D.A., Dushenko, W.T., Dodd, M., Englander, S., Johnston, K., Pier, D. & Reimer, K.J. (1997). Dioxin and furan signatures in northern canadian soils: correlation to source signatures using multivariate unmixing techniques. Chemosphere, 34(5-7), 1203-121.

Muir, D., Braune, B., DeMarch, R., Norstrom, R., Wagemann, R., Gamberg, M., Poole, K., Addison, R., Bright, D., Dodd, M., Dushenko, W., Eamer, J., Evans, M., Elkin, B., Grundy, S., Hargrave, B., Hebert, C., Johnstone, R., Kidd, K., Koenig, B., Lockhart, L., Payne, J., Peddle, J., & Reimer, K.J.  (1996). Ecosystem uptake and effects (Chapter 3), in Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Ottawa.

Dodd, M., Pergantis, S.A., Cullen, W.R., Li, H, Eigendorf, G.K. & Reimer, K.J. (1996). Antimony Speciation in Freshwater Plant Extracts by Using Hydride Generation- Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry. Analyst, 121, 223 – 228.

Dodd, M., Bright, D. & Hartshorne, B.  (2001). Validation of Groundwater Modelling for DDT and Petroleum Hydrocarbons at Border Pump Station and Rainy Hollow, Northern British Columbia. Proceedings of the Second Annual Biennial Workshop on Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites in Arctic and Cold Climates, ARCSACC ‘01, Edmonton, Alberta. Pp. 295-305.

Dodd, M., Dushenko, B. & Hartshorne, B. (2001). An environmental review of the Clinton Creek abandoned asbestos mine, Yukon, Canada. Proceedings of the Second Annual Biennial Workshop on Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites in Arctic and Cold Climates, ARCSACC ‘01, Edmonton, Alberta. pp. 229 - 239. 2001.

Bright, D.A., Dodd, M. & Reimer, K.J. (1996). Arsenic in Subarctic Lakes Influenced by Gold Mine Effluent: The Occurrence of Organoarsenicals and 'Hidden' Arsenic. The Science of the Total Environment, 180, 165 – 182.

Dushenko, B., Bright, D., Dodd, M., Grundy, S. & Reimer, K.J. (1995). Adaptation of National Soil Quality Criteria for Radar Sites in the Canadian Arctic. In Dushenko, W.T., Poll H.E. and Johnston K. (eds.) 1995. Environmental Impact Assessment and Remediation: Towards 2000. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists, Victoria, BC, pp 32- 42.

Dodd, M., Grundy, S.L., Reimer, K.J. & Cullen, W.R. (1992). Methylated antimony (V) compounds: synthesis, hydride generation properties and implications for aquatic speciation. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 6, 207 – 211.

Cullen, W.R. & Dodd M. (1989). Arsenic Speciation in Clams of British Columbia. AppliedOrganometallic Chemistry, 3, 79 – 88.

Cullen, W.R., Dodd, M., Nwata, B., Reimer, D.A. & Reimer, K.J. (1989). Compounds of arsenic, antimony and tin in mollusc shells. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 3, 351 – 353.

Cullen, W.R. & Dodd, M. (1989). Determination of arsenic compounds by high pressure liquid chromatography-graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and thermospray mass spectrometry. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 3, 401 – 409.

Cullen, W.R. & Dodd, M. (1988). The photooxidation of solutions of arsenicals: a convenient analytical technique. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2, 1 – 7.