Liese Coulter

Associate faculty

Environment & Sustainability

Liese Coulter works at the intersection of climate narratives, climate knowledge and how we think about the future. Her academic discipline includes studies of science, technology and society with a focus on connections between our personal perspectives and our professional roles. Coulter is researching how municipalities can incorporate natural assets in infrastructure management and what are the skills needed to do this. She is interested in climate action research and how this can be conducted for effective contributions to communities, well being and achieving collective goals.


Coulter managed research communication for two Australian institutes that researched adaptation to climate change. At Griffith University, she updated an introductory course on science in society, focusing on current climate impacts. During a Mitacs Science Policy Fellowship, Coulter developed a Framework and User guide to implement the Adaptation Pathways approach for sustainable local food in BC. From 2019-2020, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Climate Risk Storylines with the University of Leeds in the UK.


PhD, Future Climate Narratives

Griffith University

MSc Communication

Australia National University


Canberra University


Baldissera Pacchetti, M., Coulter, L., Dessai, S., van den Hurk, B., Sillmann, J., & Shepherd, T. G. (Under Review). The climate storyline approach: Emerging concepts and future prospects. WIREs Clim Change.

Coulter, L. (2015). Reflecting climate change impacts in governance and integrity system design. In H. Breakey, V. Popovski, & R. Maguire (Eds.), Ethical Values and the Integrity of the Climate Change Regime (pp. 105-118). London: Routlege.

Coulter, L. (2018a). Future climate narratives: combining personal and professional knowledge to adapt to climate change. In S. Serrao-Neumann, A. Coudrain, & L. Coulter (Eds.), Communicating Climate Change Information for Decision-Making: Springer.

Coulter, L. (2018b). Future climate narratives: knowledge informing climate change adaptation. (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)). Doctoral dissertation, Griffith University, Brisbane. Retrieved from

Coulter, L. (2018c). The Limits of Imagination. In W. Leal Filho & J. Nalau (Eds.), Limits to Climate Change Adaptation. Cham: Springer.

Coulter, L. (2020). Deep Time Reckoning: How Future Thinking Can Help Earth Now. Environmental Politics, 1-2. doi:10.1080/09644016.2020.1865323

Coulter, L. (Accepted for publication). Climate Adaptation Policy and Evidence: Understanding the tensions between politics and expertise in public policy  Critical Policy Studies.

Coulter, L., & Coudrain, A. (2018). Informing Decisions with Climate Change Information. In S. Serrao-Neumann, A. Coudrain, & L. Coulter (Eds.), Communicating Climate Change Information for Decision-Making: Springer.

Coulter, L., & Dessai, S. (2020a). The Physical Climate Storyline Approach: Emerging Concepts of Climate Risk. Paper presented at the 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU.

Coulter, L., Rissik, D., & Zhong, J. (2015). Research Communication for Immediate Impact: Climate Adaptation in Australia. In N. Longnecker, C. Harris, & K. Madden (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australian Science Communicators National Conference (pp. 22-37.). Brisbane: ASC.

Coulter, L., Serrao-Neumann, S., & Coiacetto, E. (2019). Climate change adaptation narratives: Linking climate knowledge and future thinking. Futures, 111, 57-70. doi:10.1016/j.futures.2019.05.004

Ryley, T., Baumeister, S., & Coulter, L. (2020). Climate Change Adaptation for the Aviation Industry: A Systematic Quantitative Literature Review Transport Policy, 92, 55–64. doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2020.04.010

Serrao-Neumann, S., Coudrain, A., & Coulter, L. (Eds.). (2018). Communicating Climate Change Information for Decision-Making: Springer.

Coulter, L. (Producer). (2019a). Adaptation Pathways: How to plan when the climate ... keeps on changing? (Webinar). Retrieved from

Coulter, L. (2019b). Climate Change Adaptation Pathways Framework: Supporting Sustainable Local Food in B.C.: Government of B.C., Victoria.

Coulter, L. (2019c). User Guide for the Climate Change Adaptation Pathways Framework: Supporting Sustainable Local Food in B.C.: Government of B.C., Victoria.

Coulter, L., Canadell, P., & Dhakal, S. (2007). Carbon Reductions and Offsets GCP Report No . 6. Canberra: Global Carbon Project.

Coulter, L., & Dessai, S. (2020b). RECEIPT Generic Internal Guidance on Storyline Development. Retrieved from RECEIPT:

Coulter, L., & Dessai, S. (2020c). Stakeholder interaction protocol: Including consent form. Retrieved from RECEIPT:

Coulter, L. (2012). Who wants to prepare for the future? The Conversation. Retrieved from