Leanne Pyle is a geologist and paleontologist with research interests in integrated stratigraphy, paleontology, biostratigraphy, paleoecology, sedimentology, basin analysis and cordilleran geology. She has published many scientific papers and technical government reports as well as geoscience field guides for public outreach. Her research has involved helicopter-supported field work in remote parts of British Columbia, Northwest Territories and Yukon where she designed and led regional multi-disciplinary projects. She is enthusiastic about incorporating practical field study into teaching.
Pyle joined Royal Roads in 2017 as an associate faculty member. She has enjoyed teaching, training and supervising students for more than 25 years. She instructed laboratories and courses at the University of Victoria and Queen’s University and supervised students during her term as a research scientist with Natural Resources Canada. She is also an instructor in the Department of Chemistry and Geosciences at Camosun College.
Memberships and Committees
She is registered as a professional geologist with the Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC; 2011).
PhD in Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of Victoria
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Paleobiology
University of Saskatchewan
Deom, E., Johns, M., and Pyle, L.J., 2018. British Columbia’s fossil heritage – from Fossil Management Framework to tangible outcomes in the community; British Columbia Paleontological Alliance 2018 Paleontological Symposium, Courtney, BC.
Pyle, L.J. and Barnes, C.R., 2017a. Upper Cambrian to Lower Silurian stratigraphy of a MacDonald Platform-Kechika Trough-Cassiar Terrane transect, Ware, Tuchodi Lakes, Kechika and Cry Lake map-areas (94F, K, L, 104P), northeastern British Columbia; in Central Foreland NATMAP Project: Proterozoic to Devonian stratigraphic sections in British Columbia and Yukon; Lane, L.S. and MacNaughton, R.B. (eds.), Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 603, p. 7-51.
Pyle, L.J. and Barnes, C.R., 2017b. Lower Ordovician to Middle Devonian stratigraphy, Macdonald Platform-Ospika Embayment transect, Halfway River, Ware and Trutch map-areas (94B, F, G), northeastern British Columbia; in Central Foreland NATMAP Project: Proterozoic to Devonian stratigraphic sections in British Columbia and Yukon; Lane, L.S. and MacNaughton, R.B. (eds.), Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 603, p. 53-83.
Pyle, L.J. and Gal, L.P., 2016. Reference Section for the Horn River Group and Definition of the Bell Creek Member, Hare Indian Formation in central Northwest Territories; Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 64, p. 67-98, doi:10.2113/gscpgbull.64.1.67.
Pyle, L.J., 2012. Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Sauk megasequence of northwestern Canada, Northern Rocky Mountains to the Beaufort Sea. In J.R. Derby, R.D. Fritz, S.A. Longacre, W.A. Morgan, and C.A. Sternbach (eds.), The Great American Carbonate Bank: The Geology and Economic Resources of the Cambrian- Ordovician Sauk Megasequence of Laurentia; AAPG Memoir 98, p. 675-723.
Gal, L.P. and Pyle, L.J., 2011. Geological Field Guide for Cambrian to Cretaceous Strata in northern Mackenzie Plain, Franklin Mountains, and northern Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories (NTS 096 C, D, E, F & 106 H); Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open File 2011-06, 68 p.
Pyle, L.J. and Jones, A.L. (editors), 2009. Regional Geoscience Studies and Petroleum Potential, Peel Plateau and Plain, Northwest Territories and Yukon: Project Volume; Northwest Territories Geoscience Office and Yukon Geological Survey, NWT Open File 2009-02 and YGS Open File 2009-25, 549p.
Pyle, L.J., Barnes, C.R., and McKenzie McAnally, L., 2007. Conodont biostratigraphy of the latest Cambrian-Early Ordovician upper McKay Group, southeastern British Columbia; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 44, p. 1713-1740.
Pyle, L.J., Roots, C., Allen, T.L., Fraser, T.A., Bond, J., Jones, A.L., and Gal, L.P., 2007. Roadside Geology of the Dempster Highway, Northwest Territories and Yukon, A traveler’s guide to the Geology of Canada’s most northwestern road; Northwest Territories Geoscience Office and Yukon Geological Survey, NWT Open File 2007-05 and Yukon Open Report 2007-4, 92p.
Pyle, L.J., Narbonne, G.M., Nowlan, G.S., Xiao, S., and James, N.P., 2006. Early Cambrian metazoan eggs, embryos, and phosphatic microfossils from northwestern Canada; Journal of Paleontology, v. 80, p. 811-825.
Pyle, L.J., Narbonne, G.M., James, N.P., Dalrymple, R.W., and Kaufman, A.J., 2004. Integrated Ediacaran chronostratigraphy, Wernecke Mountains, northwestern Canada; Precambrian Research, v. 132, p. 1-27.
Pyle, L.J. and Barnes, C.R., 2002. Taxonomy, evolution and biostratigraphy of conodonts from the Kechika Formation, Skoki Formation and Road River Group (Upper Cambrian to Lower Silurian), northeastern British Columbia; National Research Council of Canada Monograph Series, 44461, 227p.