Tebay says that every story holds a little piece of universal truth; everyone has a story. And that by finding out the truths within each other, we create a more compassionate world. Tebay’s research focuses on creating compassionate communities within classrooms, and in larger school and system contexts, using integral theory as a basis to weave together multi-perspective narrative.
Tebay has been a teacher and school administrator for almost twenty years, working with children from Kindergarten through Grade 12. She has led professional development for new educators in understanding by design, and spoken at the Alberta Assessment Consortium conference on differentiating assessment for all learners. Tebay also authored a chapter in Integral Theory and Transdisciplinary Action Research in Education.
Doctorate of Education in Educational Research
University of Calgary
Master of Education in Educational Leadership
University of Prince Edward Island
Bachelor of Music
University of Saskatchewan
Bachelor of Education
University of Saskatchewan
Tebay, G. (2019). Cultivating compassion in an upper elementary classroom. In Bohac-Clarke, V.(Ed.), Integral theory In transdisciplinary action research in education. (pp. 160-181). IGI Global.