Derek Masselink is an environmental designer and agro-ecologist. He is the director of innovation methods with the BC Public Service Agency in Victoria, supporting the development of a culture of innovation across government. Prior to this position, Masselink was the regional agrologist for the BC Ministry of Agriculture on southern Vancouver Island. He is also the founder and lead curator of ŦELÁṈET Centre for Innovation and Peace, a transformative organization focused on supporting reconciliation and education-related initiatives in the Salish Sea.
Masselink has had a wide-ranging career working in the fields of agro-ecology and agricultural design, landscape planning and management, education, sustainability science, governance, politics, community development, social and public service innovation, and project management. He has also worked with exceptional teams on exceptional projects, including the highly successful UBC Farm initiative in Vancouver which he is credited for conceiving and launching. Masselink has been an associate faculty member at Royal Roads since 2011, teaching in the areas of environmental planning, transformative leadership and governance for sustainability.
Master of Landscape Architecture
University of British Columbia
Bachelor of Science in Biology
University of Victoria