Ashley Gasten

Associate faculty

Education & Technology

Ashley Gasten is fascinated by the impact emerging technologies and new media have on individuals and cultures. As a former teacher, she is especially interested in the intersections between technology and learning, particularly in the experiences of learners as they engage with technologies as part of their formal and informal learning practices. Gasten's areas of interest and expertise include informal learning in online spaces, massive open online courses (MOOCs), social media and identity, pedagogies of online learning, self-directed learning in online environments and openness in education.


Gasten has considerable experience as a teacher and technology specialist in the K-12 systems of B.C., Alberta and the U.K.  She has spent four years with the Faculty of Education at UBC, teaching courses in digital learning, inquiry based learning, design and technology, ICT practices and vocational education. In addition, Gasten has worked on a number of research projects related to technology and learning and has consulted on the design of online courses for various faculties at the University of British Columbia. She is currently a research associate with the Digital Learning and Social Media Research Group with Dr. George Veletsianos.

Her research explores the impact of social media on post-secondary students. Gasten is currently a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Education at UBC; her dissertation focuses on the skills and literacies needed to learn in open online courses.


Master of Science in Research Methodology

University of Oxford

Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology

University of Victoria

Bachelor of Education

University of Victoria