Dr. Ann-Kathrin McLean’s research evaluates the relationship between collective memory, Holocaust remembrance and a site of trauma. Understanding this relationship is important as we see a revival in fascist populism worldwide.
McLean is interested in how vectors (or forces) of memory inform and reshape a new form of transitional memory of the Holocaust. In the 21st century, history mediation assists to learn, understand, analyze and develop memory into remembrance; bearing in mind that stories originally shared by first-hand narratives will become embedded in commemorative activities and tours at memorial sites.
Of specific focus is how Millennials interpret sites of Nazi war heritage and construct individual meaning. In order to help mitigate the memory loss across generations, McLean investigates how visiting a site of memory impacts a more embodied form of remembrance and influences a reflexive self.
McLean has more than 15 years of experience in a number of tourism sectors that include accommodation, food and beverage, events, festivals and live theatre.
She has been the production manager for international performing arts productions at the largest theatre festival in Europe and obtained hotel industry experience in the Middle East. She taught at Capilano University, Camosun College and College of the Rockies.
At Royal Roads she is an assistant professor in the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management and has teaching experience at both the undergraduate and graduate level. She is also a grateful recipient of the Kelly Outstanding Teaching Award - category new teacher.
Memberships and Committees
- President of the Young Researchers Network, European Community Studies Association Canada (ECSA-C).
- Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre
- Memory Studies Association
Doctor of Social Sciences
Royal Roads University
Master of Arts in Tourism Management
Royal Roads University
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Business Administration
Thompson Rivers University
Bachelor of Tourism Management
Thompson Rivers University
Events and Conventions Management Diploma
Thompson Rivers University
Nominee: CUFA BC Distinguished Academics Award
Nominated for the Early in Career Award
SSHRC Connection Grant (Collaborator)
“European Community Studies Association - Canada (ECSA-C) Biennial Conference 2024: Reimagining European Integration for a New Post-war Era”
Kelly Outstanding Teacher Award (New Teacher)
Royal Roads University
Konrad Adenauer Research Fellow
University of Victoria
Teaching with Technology Grant
Royal Roads University
Research interest
Holocaust remembrance
Memory studies
McLean, A. (2024, December 1). How Lee Miller’s photos remind us of war’s destructive brutality. The Conversation Canada.
McLean, A. (2024). Millennials, Transitional Memory, and the Future of Holocaust Remembrance. In Stone, P. & Wright, D. (Eds.), The Future of Dark Tourism: Enlightening New Horizons. Channel View Publications.
Wilson-Mah, R., & McLean, A. (2024). Engaging students as partners (SaP) in a collaborative inquiry to develop a course. International Journal for Students as Partners, 8(2), 21–37. https://doi.org/10.15173/ijsap.v8i2.5557
McLean, A. (2023). Millennials as Second-Person Witnesses of the Holocaust: A Case Study on the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site. (Doctoral dissertation). Royal Roads University.
Wilson-Mah, R., McLean, A., (2023). Students as Partners (SaP): Curriculum Development for a Field Study Course. Conference University of Hawaii.
McLean, A. & Wilson-Mah, R. (2023). You’re Not Alone: The Online Conference. In Hamilton, D., Childs, E., Dandar, D. & Kool, R. (Eds.), Active Learning for Real-World Inquiry, (pp. 384-396). Royal Roads University.
Bird, G.R., Leighton, H., McLean, A. (2020). A matter of life and death: Tourism as sensual remembrance. In Palmer, C., & Andrews, H. (Eds.), Tourism and embodiment (pp. 121-139). Abingdon: Routledge.
Kirchmeier, F. (Translated by McLean, A.) (2016). German war cemeteries in Normandy: Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge. In G. Bird, G., S. Claxton, & K. Reeves, (Eds.). (pp. 91-102). Managing and Interpreting D-Day's Sites of Memory: Guardians of Remembrance. Routledge.