Ann Dale


Environment & Sustainability

Ann Dale held her university’s first Canada Research Chair (2004-2014), is a Trudeau Alumna (2004), and a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Sciences. Her research focuses on climate pollution, governance, sustainable community development, social capital and agency, as well as novel research dissemination tools and techniques, including research curation.

Professor Dale was appointed as professor emerita as of July 27 when she retired from the university. She continues to supervise a few students and chairs the President’s Advisory Committee on Regenerative Sustainability. View her current research.

She led a twelve-year research project on climate innovations in BC communities in partnership with UBC, SFU and Washington State University. Professor Dale is a recognized leader in virtual real-time conversations and the production of useful knowledge for decision-makers through developing evidence-based policy agendas. She also leads a national biodiversity education program using social media channels to increase public literacy leading to actions on the ground.


Professor Dale brings extensive government experience to her teaching and research with expertise in machinery of government issues, strategic policy development and communication strategies. A former executive in the Federal Government she was one of the two civil servants behind the creation of the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy; and worked on special assignments including the creation of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, the Privy Council, the Task Forces on Natural Resource Reform and Regulatory Affairs, and the Treasury Board.

Dale was recognized in: Canada’s Most Powerful Women, Top 100, Sun Life Financial Traiblazers and Trendsetters in 2016. She was also profiled as one of the top 25 minds in British Columbia in the BC Business Magazine in June 2002.


PhD, Natural Resources Sciences, Dean’s Honour List

McGill University

M.A. Public Administration

Carleton University

B.A. Psychology

Carleton University


Volunteer of the Year

Nature Canada

CUFA Paz Buttedahl Distinguished Career Academic Award


Molson Prize for the Social Sciences

Canada Council for the Arts

Bissett Award for Distinctive Contributions to the Public Sector


Policy Research Initiative Award for Outstanding Research Contribution to Public Policy

Awarded for Dale's first book, At the Edge: Sustainable Development in the 21st Century


Dale, A. & Leighton, H. (2020). Edge-ucation by design. In D. Wright, & S. Hill, (Eds.). Social ecology: Applying ecological understanding to educational systems for the sake of our planet. Stroud GL. UK: Hawthorne Press,

Leighton, H. and A. Dale. (2019). Chapter 4: Where living and learning meet: Bringing the classroom into the city. In K. Kremers, A. Liepins, and A. York, (Eds.). Developing change agents: Innovative practices for sustainability leadership. Montreal, QC: McGill Publication

Dale, A., S. Burch and J. Robinson. (2018). Multi-level governance of sustainability transitions in Canada: Policy alignment, innovation, and evaluation. In Climate Change in Cities: Innovations in Multi-Level Governance, Editors S. Hughes, E. Chu and S. Mason. Springer

Newell, R. and A. Dale. (2015). Meeting the climate change challenge (MC3): The role of the internet in climate change research dissemination and knowledge mobilization. Routledge Press

Dale, A., J. Luckerhoff and F. Guillemette. 2012. Real Time On-Line Conversations. In Vannini, P. (ed.), Popularizing Research: Engaging New Media, Genres, and Audiences. New York: Peter Lang

Dale, A. 2012. Introduction. Urban Sustainability: Reconnecting Space and Place. Toronto: University of Toronto Press

Robinson, P. and A. Dale. 2012. Generational responses. Why a third? Urban Sustainability: Reconnecting Space and Place. Toronto: University of Toronto Press

Dale, A. 2012. United we can-a street charity that makes a difference. Urban Sustainability: Reconnecting Space and Place. Toronto: University of Toronto Press

Dale, A. and B. Dushenko. 2012. Conclusions. Urban Sustainability: Reconnecting Space and Place. Toronto: University of Toronto Press

Dale, A. 2008. Governance for sustainable development: As if it mattered? In G. Toner and J.Meadowcroft. (eds.). Innovation, Science and Environment 2009-2010. Special Edition—Charting Sustainable Development in Canada 1987-2007, McGill-Queen’s University Press

Dale, A. and L. Newman. 2007. Sustainable Development and On-Line Dialogue. In Tansey, J. and Robinson, J., Interactive Sustainability, London: Earthscan

Dale, A. and L. Newman. 2007. Governance for Integrated Resource Management. In K.S. Hanna and D.S. Slocombe (eds.), Integrated Resource and Environmental Management: Concepts and Practice. Oxford and Toronto: Oxford University Press

Dale, A. 2005. Social capital and sustainable community development. Is there a relationship? In A Dynamic Balance: Social Capital and Sustainable Community Development. Vancouver: UBC Press

Dale, A. 2005. Reflections. In A Dynamic Balance: Social Capital and Sustainable Community Development. Vancouver: UBC Press

Dale, A. 2005. Linking industry and ecology in Canada: A question of design.
In Industrial Ecology: A Question of Design? Vancouver: UBC Press

Dale, A. 1998. Introduction. In Sustainability, Development, and Communities across Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press

Dale, A. and S.B. Hill. 1996. Biodiversity Conservation: A Decision-Making Context. In A. Dale. and J. Robinson (eds.) Achieving Sustainable Development. Vancouver: UBC Press

Newell, R., I. Picketts, I. and A. Dale. (2020). Community systems models and development scenarios for integrated planning: Lessons learned from a participatory approach.  Community Development, 1-22, doi: 10.1080/15575330.2020.1772334

Noble, M., H. Leighton, and A. Dale. (2020, in review). Stepping toward a sense of place: A choreography of natural and social science. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Special  issue,  “Navigating Paradoxes in Sustainability Education”

Hodson, J., Dale, A. & Clifton-Ross, J. (in press). Sustainability issue communication and student social media engagement: Recommendations for climate communicators. Journal of Digital and Social Media Marketing

Jost, F; Dale, A; Newell, R., Robinson, J. (2020, in press). Climate action assessment in three small municipalities in British Columbia: advancements vis-à-vis major neighboring cities. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability

Dale, A., J. Robinson, L. King, S. Burch, R. Newell, A. Shaw and F. Jost. (2019). Meeting the climate change challenge: local government climate action in British Columbia, Canada. Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2019.1651244 

Dale, A., J. Clifton-Ross, F. Jost, H. Leighton, J. Hodson and M. Bernard. (2019). Biodiversity and Climate Change Research: Harnessing the Power of Art, Science and Social Media. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, Special Edition

Clermont, H. J., Dale, A., Reed, M. G., & King, L. (2019). Sense of place as a source of tension in Canada’s west coast energy conflicts. Coastal management47(2), 189-206

Clifton-Ross, J., Dale, A., & Newell, R. (2019). Frameworks and models for disseminating curated research outcomes to the public. SAGE Open, 9(2), 2158244019840112.

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