Paula-Marie Drouin
Advisory Council Member
School of Humanitarian Studies
Paula is the Founder and President of the ADR International Group Inc.(ADRiG) for 24 years and the ADR Learning Institute (ADRLi) for three years. She provides conflict resolution expertise and experts to all levels of government and private industry. This work includes designing ADR systems, conflict analysis, workplace wellness assessments, mediation, arbitration, investigation, restorative justice and restorative practices.
ADRiG was contracted to create the Alberta Framework for the Application of Restorative Justice in Criminal Matters and provide corresponding training. Paula has designed and delivered both nationally and internationally accredited mediation training through ADRLi. Our conflict resolution courses are offered through the University of Alberta.
Paula sat on the Canadian Review Committee of the UN’s Principals of Restorative Justice which made recommendations to the Solicitor General of Canada on the implementation of RJ in Canada. She assessed court mediation and Truth and Reconciliation work in Bosnia I Herzegovina and designed and delivered mediation training for locals. She has created and manages two successful companies providing ADR services and training. Paula has also designed and has been delivering the Bearpaw Peacemaking Program for over 20 years.