Patrick Maloney
Doctor of Social Sciences
Patrick Maloney is an occupational therapist with PDM Consultants, specializing in organizational wellness. Maloney knows it is important for corporate decision makers to understand the long-term financial and social benefits of investing in psychologically healthy workplaces. He has eight years of industry experience in the private sector, mostly in vocational rehabilitation, and is interested in the costs mental health issues can have on employees, families, organizations, and health care systems. Patrick currently works with companies to promote positive mental health in the workplace, with a focus of embedding evidence-based interrelationship practices informed by validated measures at the group level. His research interests include measuring return on investment for medium to large-sized private companies when using a workplace culture initiative. Patrick holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with Political Science Minor (2010) and Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (2013), both from the University of Alberta.