Participation in Findhorn Conference: Climate and Consciousness: Presentation of Research Findings to Future Earth program.
Dr. King was awarded Research and Professional Development funds to present current research on environmental Sustainability and climate adaptation at two conferences.
Meeting the Climate Change Challenge (MC3) research project led by Ann Dale and of which I am Co PI, is entering the synthesis and dissemination phase and we are seeking Knowledge mobilization venues outside our usual Canadian opportunities. The MC3 Research team decided that two excellent opportunities for dissemination of research findings are the Findhorn Conference in April 2019 and the Future Earth programme. The Findhorn conference description is: CCC19, CLIMATE CHANGE & CONSCIOUSNESS: OUR LEGACY FOR THE EARTH, at the Findhorn Foundation, North Scotland, April 20-26, 2019, will be a unique conference about surviving and thriving in a climate changing world and postcarbon economy. The event will feature some of the clearest and most passionate voices for the Earth ever gathered together in one place. Three members of the MC3 team will attend (Dale, King and Newell). This conference will be highly relevant to my research projects, Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Sustainable Arctic Societies (ARCPATH) and Northern Knowledge for Resilience, Environmental Sustainability and Adaptation in Coastal Communities (NORSEACC) (especially because Scotland is one of my research sites) as well as MC3.