NORDFORSK Nordic Centres of Excellence final meeting: Presentation of ARCPATH synthesis and synergy with NORSEACC
Dr. King used Research and Professional Development funds to synthesize and synergize The Arctic Climate Predictions, Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Arctic Societies (ARCPATH) research project.
The Arctic is of fundamental importance in the earth’s climate system, host to key atmospheric and oceanic processes and feedbacks. Climate change has caused rapid changes in the Arctic, with temperature rises close to twice that of other regions. These rapid changes are a challenge to human welfare already at risk from socio-economic as well as climatic drivers. The nature and impacts of these changes and responses to them provide lessons for countries and communities in lower latitudes who will be facing these challenges and the need to adapt to and mitigate them in the near future. The Arctic Climate Predictions, Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Arctic Societies (ARCPATH) research project sought to address these issues, with the overarching goal of fostering responsible and sustainable Arctic development. The project is now nearing completion and we are faced with the challenge of synthesis: harvesting the findings of the project, identifying synergies with other research findings, identifying continuing knowledge gaps and the applications and policy implications of our findings. The Copenhagen meeting will provide an opportunity to present the synthesis of ARCPATH findings and explore synergy with other centres of excellence as well as other research projects such as Northern Knowledge for Resilience, Sustainable Environments and Adaptation in Coastal Communities in the Circumpolar Arctic (NORSEACC).