Start now. Choose later.
Personalized learning pathways empower you to seamlessly transition from an undergraduate certificate to a diploma to a bachelor’s degree—all in as little as three years.
If you take a break part way through, you'll still be equipped with valuable credentials that can help you in your career. We'll welcome you back to complete your degree when you're ready.
The first 100 students will automatically receive a $1,000 First Class Entrance Award. Plus, awards of up to $10,000 are available through competition: RRU Entrance Award/Bursary and Langford Education Award.

Year 1: Earn a Certificate
In Business & Sustainability, Applied Environmental Sciences or Social Sciences
Year 2: Earn a Diploma
In business, environmental sciences or social sciences
Years 3/4: Earn a Bachelor's Degree
In business, environmental practice or sciences, hospitality & tourism, justice, communications or interdisciplinary studies
Year 1: Choose an undergraduate certificate
Begin your studies with an undergraduate certificate that aligns with your interests. You’ll develop the skills necessary for immediate impact and long-term success. Each certificate is designed to build a foundation that leads directly to advanced credentials and career opportunities.
Pick a path and get started.
Two vibrant campuses, one undergrad experience
RRU Langford
The majority of your studies will be at our brand new collaborative campus. RRU Langford is surrounded by the bustling restaurants, shops and cafés of Goldstream Village. Meet new friends. Share dynamic learning spaces with students from UVic and Camosun College. Connect your studies with local business and community organizations.
RRU Colwood
You'll also be part of our oceanside Colwood campus community, often named one of the most beautiful campuses in the world. You'll have access to 260 hectares of old-growth forest with a castle, library, laboratories, rec centre, licensed café, trails, gardens and a working farm.