Wafai on BC’s control of supply chains through COVID-19



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Supply chain management expert Assoc. Prof. Hassan Wafai joined host Sarah Penton on CBC Radio West to discuss the BC government’s decision to take control of supply chains for essential goods during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here is an excerpt:

Existing supply chains, so far, are functioning very well, but that is in the short term. In the longer term, this may change. This unit, as I see it, will direct efforts to making sure that we have functioning networks of businesses, as well as we have alternative logistical networks to support the flow of goods and services.

A supply chain is a complex phenomenon with international stakeholders. The action the government just took is very important to make sure we have coordinated efforts to deal with any long-term consequences.

This interview aired on CBC Radio West at the five-minute mark of the show recording.