Veletsianos on rethinking how degrees are structured
For online learning to be successful, universities will need to invest in and apply creative technologies and collaborative methods, according to Royal Roads education expert and Canadian Research Chair for innovative learning and technology, Prof. George Veletsianos, who discussed how it may be time for universities to see themselves and their students differently with CBC News.
Here is some of what he has to say:
"Typically, institutions see themselves as the places where students come to," Veletsianos says. "[Online learning] basically requires institutions to see themselves differently, to look at their offerings and try and figure out how those can be redesigned in ways that they can support students who are not there…I think the important part here is not to take in-person [learning], that's sort of the gold standard, and try to replicate it online or say that it doesn't work online, but to actually take a deeper look at what it is that we are doing in-person and ask whether in-person is truly the best or if we can do different things."
Read the full story on CBC News.