Thomlinson on summer tourism in BC

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School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Director Eugene Thomlinson joined a panel of tourism experts on CBC Victoria’s On the Island to discuss what may be ahead for Vancouver Island travel and tourism this summer.

Here is some of what he had to say:

“The way I put it is we are running this marathon, and we keep hitting these refill stations… My concern is we don’t know where the finish line is.”


“In the markets we’ve been seeing around the world that have started opening up, have been going gangbusters. I was talking to someone from Marriott recently, and theyfigured we are about 3 to 6 months behind the US. They’re having this hiring frenzy for this skilled workforce… That hiring concern is definitely a high one, but the industry itself, that part does look positive around the world.”

This interview aired on CBC Victoria’s On the Island.